How Did Steve Jobs Achieve The American Dream

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The American Dream is the idea that through hard-work and determination, no matter one’s background, one can achieve success and prosperity. The American Dream is what so many come to America to pursue. However, is the American Dream a product of our own illusion, or does it still function in our society today? After analyzing the play, Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller, and the biography, Steve Jobs, by Walter Isaacson, it is revealed that the American Dream which holds the ideals of upwards socioeconomic mobility no longer exists but insteads functions as the American Delusion.
Through Steve Jobs, we learn the life a one of the most famous person to have ever lived, Steve Jobs. Jobs was abandoned at birth, and lived in a relatively normal household. He would later on …show more content…

This sounds like the typical rags to riches story, the epitome of the American Dream. But was that really it, did Steve Jobs really achieve the American Dream? No, Jobs utterly failed the American Dream, instead he was trapped in his own delusion that he did. Steve believed that everything he did was right, and everyone else was either shit or passable. Steve Jobs did many incredible things, but there was “quote”. Steve Jobs would do anything to see his dream accomplished, he would trample over colleagues, abandon friends, and even family as well. Steve Jobs because so obsessed with his dream, that he never stopped to see what he was doing to the people around him. Steve was known to have a reality distortion field, to bend the facts to his liking. “Quote”. He could make his team do work they never thought imaginable, however, as Hertzfeld

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