How Did Robert Fulton Build The First Commercial Steamboat?

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Have you ever seen a steamboat? Robert Fulton designed the first commercial steamboat. This was important considering steamboats could go upstream and they were generally faster than other boats. Commercial steamboats changed the economy, because people could export things much faster. It was also cheaper to use steamboats, as they use a different fuel source.
Many people think that Robert Fulton invented the steamboat, and that is wrong. However, he did design the first commercial steamboat, and that is significant. ”Although Robert Fulton did not invent the steamboat, as is commonly believed, he was instrumental in making steamboat travel a reality”( He had a partner named Robert Livingstone, and they worked partially in Paris and partially in New York( They took the steamboat from the experimental stage, where people were trying to create steamboats that people can use, to the commercial stage, where people were using steamboats …show more content…

Firstly, steamboats went upstream faster.”movement upstream became much easier”( This was a critical development, because other boats went upstream rather slowly since they were battling the current. A steamboat could take people and cargo both directions. It was also faster to use steamboats. A round trip from New York City to Albany and back was only 62 hours“( The trip took thirty-two hours, roughly one-quarter of the time that the voyage had previously taken with a wind-powered vessel. The return trip, going with the current, took only thirty hours.” This seems slow now, but back then it was much faster. This speed was significant since steamboats could move cargo and people about 4 times faster than before. People could get where they wanted to be, and people could export cargo with more efficiency. Again, the trip upstream took only 2 more hours, which was great compared to wind-powered

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