How Did European Monarchs Increase Their Power In The 17th And 18th Century

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The European monarchs and rulers of the 17th and 18th centuries wanted to increase their power both domestically and globally by adding to their territories and populations. Both in merging their power internally and expanding their power externally, they employed three features of state-building: control, extraction, and integration. In the late 1700s, both the Industrial revolution and French revolution of 1789 strengthened the idea that Europeans were different from the rest of the world. It also strengthened that Europeans were “succeeding” promptly while the rest of the world seemed to be declining, that Europeans were somehow extraordinary and better than the rest.” (Robert Marks page 10).
However, even though the west was expanding in the …show more content…

An avid admirer of Peter the Great, she created her version of Peter the Great’s decrees known as The Grand Instructions in 1768 even though she never really put these ideas into practice. Catherine the Great tightened her control on serfs and peasants through the creation of the Decree of Serfs. This decree stated that serfs and peasants must submit to their landlords in all matters or they face arrest. They were banned from sending petitions complaining about their landlords. This allowed the monarchy to control serfs and peasants in the prevention of any uprising or revolts in the future which also favored the nobles. Ironically, Catherine claimed to believe in “the liberal rhetoric of the Enlightenment” (Catherine 2nd Proposals and Decree on Serfs) however, she evidently ruled Russia with a tight rein. By putting the nobility on such a high pedestal she was ensuring that she had the support and backing of the nobility to maintain her government in Russia. After all, no monarchies in 17th and 18th centuries were secure never without the beloved

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