How Did Donatello Contribute To The Renaissance

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The Renaissance
Brief overview of the Renaissance
It started and ended from the 1300’s to the 1600’s
It began in Northern Italy about 1350 right after the Black Death had ravaged the country, killing from a third to half the population.
Definition of the word Renaissance
The word Renaissance means rebirth
The word renaissance came from the french
Renaissance ideas that developed in Italy gradually spread to western and northern Europe towards the end of the 15th century.
Major significant subjects and people ( not the topic you are using ) (3-4 sentences )
Vernacular writers Petrarch (Humanism)
The flush toilet was one of the biggest inventions
Thesis (2-3 sentences)
Donatello was born in Florence, Italy and died in the same place …show more content…

In 1403, he apprenticed with Florence metalsmith and sculptor Lorenzo Ghiberti.
Explain contribution
A few years later, Ghiberti was commissioned to create the bronze doors for the Baptistery of the Florence Cathedral, beating out rival artist Filippo Brunelleschi.
Donatello assisted Ghiberti in creating the cathedral doors.

What was the process involved in the creation of their creation, or the completion of their major contribution to society.
There are accounts by some historians that Donatello and Brunelleschi struck up a friendship around 1407 and traveled to Rome to study classical art.
Rapidly maturing in his art
By 1408, Donatello was back in Florence at the workshops of the cathedral. That year, he completed the life-sized marble sculpture
Instead, however, it was set up in the Palazzo Vecchio (the town hall) as an inspiring symbol of defiance of authority to Florentines, who were engaged in a struggle with the king of Naples at the time.
How is the modern society impacted by this contribution?
Rapidly maturing in his art, Donatello soon began to develop a style all his own, with figures much more dramatic and …show more content…

By this time, Donatello was gaining a reputation for creating imposing, larger than life figures using innovative techniques and extraordinary skills. His style incorporated the new science of perspective, which allowed the sculptor to create figures that occupied measurable space. Donatello and Michelozzo traveled to Rome, where they produced several architectural sculptural tombs, including the tomb of Antipope John XXIII and the tomb of Cardinal Brancacci. In 1443, Donatello was called to the city of Padua by the family of the famous mercenary Erasmo da Narni, who had died earlier that year. Has this led to other contribution that are used

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