How Did Buddhism And Neo-Confucian Influence On Japanese Culture

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Japan has three dominate religious that have had a great impact on the culture and the Japanese people. Two of these religions are non-native to Japan. Buddhism and Neo-Confucianism were brought to Japan by either foreign visitors or natives who traveled to foreign lands and decided that Japan needed to adopt these religio-philosophical ideas and traditions. Shinto, however, is the only one out of the big three belief systems that are native to the Japanese people. Buddhism and Neo-Confucianism although originating from countries outside of Japan, when these two belief systems entered the Japanese’s religious tradition they took on distinct Japanese characteristics. Japan and the Japanese people’s ideology are reflected by these three religions. …show more content…

Shinto has strong connections to ancestor worship. Pleasing the ancestors who are considered to be a Kami is the religions main focus. Clan importance was popular in early Japan and many regions had different Kamis. Social commitments were then directed to the Clan leader. After the Shinto revival, there was a larger focus on Japanese nationalism. Japanese Buddhism just like Buddhism outside of Japan, there is an emphasis on compassion and unbiased. However, unlike Buddhism outside of Japan, Japanese Buddhism has been viewed as the protector of Japan. No matter what Japanese Buddhist Sect, Buddhism has always been used as a way to unite the Japanese. Neo-Confucianism in Japan is just like Chinese Confucianism when dealing with social commitments. The Japanese have the Five relationships just like the Chinese but the Japanese Five relationships are in relation to the Four Classes. Everyone is meant to follow the five relationships in the order of with social class in mind. For example, everyone is meant to have loyalty to the ruler but peasants who are second in the social class and also suppose to have respect for the samurai, first class, since the samurai are high up on the scale. Social commitments can have a role in the methods of

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