How Did African Slavery Affect America

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African Slavery was crucial to the America’s colonization. The buying and selling of these unfortunate people played a big role in how the americas work today. The need for cheap labor brought the african slaves to america leading to an influence of african culture on the north and south americas in the 14 through When the Europeans needed cheap labor, they knew a way to get it. “Africans had been traded as slave for centuries -- reaching Europe via the Islamic-run, trans-Saharan, trade routes… Between 1450 and the end of the nineteenth century slaves were obtained from along the west coast of Africa with the full and active co-operation of African kings and merchants” (Alistair Boddy 2). Slaves from africa have been traded between countries …show more content…

They tried to prove black people were lesser and it worked. “...slave status was increasingly associated exclusively with Africans. It was this association which served to denigrate black people whatever their status” (Madge Dresser 2). This racial rift would keep blacks and whites apart until around the 1900s. This made lives difficult on any black person. Black slaves were treated awefully. Slaves had brutal conditions that led them to have a shorter life span. Slaves lived in small huts that were barely livable. They didnt get much food either, just enough to keep them working. Slaves were treated as property because they were bought and sold among white slave owners. Africans were also worked hard. They worked sunup to sundown causing many health issues and a shortened life. Even though slavery was a bad thing, slaves also put a good influence on american society. Africans did much of the labor in the americas letting more people colonize these places. Slaves produced mostly food, but they did create other items that made it easier for whites to come and live in the new world. Africans also bumped the population charts themselves. Many slaves were taken to the new world boosting the population. Culture was a big thing, too. When slaves were brought to the americas, they brought their culture in the form of stories, songs, and ceremonies that were passed on generation to

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