How Breast Cancer Affects People

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Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer affects 1 in 8 women and 1 in 631 men. Breast cancer occurs when cells in the breast grow out of control and form a growth or tumour which may be cancerous or not cancerous.

Breast Cancer affects people in both a positive and negative way. Some negative impacts include harder to work, ability to join in activities including sport and it can cause more medical conditions like depression/anxiety. Positive impacts include being healthier - improved diet, exercise and spending more time with family.

Around 255 women in the ACT are diagnosed with breast cancer and around 34 die from the disease each year. In Australia, around 15,902 women and 140 men are diagnosed and 2814 women and 30 men die from breast cancer each year. However there are …show more content…

Some treatments include Chemotherapy, Radiation Therapy and Surgery. Chemotherapy drugs are strong enough to kill rapidly growing cancer cells, but the also harm perfectly healthy cells, causing side effects through your body. Not everyone has these side effects.Chemotherapy drugs are strong enough to kill rapidly growing cancer cells, but they also harm perfectly healthy cells, causing side effects through your body. Not everyone has these side effects.Radiation therapy uses high-energy radiation to shrink tumors and kill cancer cells.

There are multiple factors that increase your risk of getting breast cancer. Some of these include:Family history, increasing age, inheritance of mutations in the genes BRCA2, BRCA1 and CHEK2 and previous breast cancer diagnosis.

There are many lifestyle changes that can reduce the risk of getting breast cancer. Stopping smoking, limit alcohol, be physically active and controlling your weight are all examples to reducing your risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer. However you can have different tests to be diagnosed with breast cancer include: mammograms, biopsy, a CT scan or MRI

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