How Basketball Changed My Life

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I’m Makenna Walker, and right now life’s pretty great. I’m a 7th grader at Silver creek middle school and everything is kinda perfect. I’m in honors and have great grades in all classes, I have SO many friends and i guess you could consider me “popular”. Basketball is my absolute favorite sport but I have to say the best part in my life is, I finally have a perfect non-replaceable best friends. Jeez, well I guess my life was pretty great. But that all changed once my parents told me i'm moving schools. *** So so far, life kinda sucks. I’m trying to get through my first week at Northridge Middle school. It’s hard because I miss my old school. Plus compared to then I have pretty terrible teachers, grades and I have no friends at all. The …show more content…

I keep losing my way to my classes and I haven’t had anyone offer to help me. No directions, no help for catching up on work, nobody inviting me to sit with them at lunch and worst of all, not even a smile. It almost seemed like I was invisible until it got so bad that I wished I was invisible. I had just got my lunch from the cafeteria when looking for a place to sit, I ran into the most popular girl in school Ashley Davis. I totally spilled my lunch on the both of us. I felt so terrible and so scared. “ Oh my god I’m SO sorry are you okay?” I said trying to help pick the mashed potatoes that were on my tray a split second ago off her really cute top. “ WHAT DID YOU DO?! WHAT EVEN IS THIS STUFF? UGHHH JUST GET OUT OF MY WAY” said the furious girl that I had just turned into a mountain of angry mashed potato and green bean mess. Even though that moment was just a few seconds long, it was easily the most embarrassing moment of my entire 13 years on this planet. Yes, I thought to myself. That’s exactly what I needed right now, the most popular girl in school to hate me. Good luck making any new friends now Makenna. What am I going to do? I know that everyone is going to think i’m a loser. I already wear dorkie clothes that go along with my weird personality and I can’t have people think i’m now the most clumsy kid in the grade too. I could see it now. “Hey look, It’s that one new girl with the worn …show more content…

Ella and I realized we had a lot in common. We both were honors students, we both were new to the school and the best part, we both LOVE basketball. It almost seemed like it was meant for us to be friends. Ella and I became so close that it was almost like we started our own friend group. Slowly more and more people seemed to “join” and before I knew it, I had so many friends I felt like I was back at my old school again. Eventually Ella and I decided to join a basketball team and I found out I made point gaurd!!!! Life finally seemed to be good

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