How Athol Fugard Presents Personal and Political Conflict in the Opening Scene of The Island

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How Athol Fugard Presents Personal and Political Conflict in the Opening Scene of The Island

Athol fugard presents the opening scene in a number of ways. The play

is all about contrasts in personal and political conflict. The Island

was written by Fugard to show the situation between whites and blacks

in South Africa. When the play was first preformed it was more like a

political play, but audiences see it as based more on the human

spirit. After the apartheid had finished the play was more about how

people overcame pressure and stress. The play was written around the

1970's when there was Apartheid in South Africa. This meant that the

white people were in control of the black people. The black people

were treated as slaves and were said to be like animals, if the black

people were to disobey the rules then one of the punishments was to be

thrown into prison, which was where this play was set. These plays

were against the law, because they were a form of rebellion, so if the

actors and audience were caught they would be severe...

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