How Are The Characters In 'The Lottery' Affected By Conformity?

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How were the characters in Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery" affected by conformity? Throughout the years, research shows how people often seek approval from their society. The need to belong is part of human nature, and the fear of having different ideas that challenge social norms causes individuals to conform. As seen in Shirley Jackson's Story, “The Lottery” we learn about the negative aspects of conformity, unquestioned social norms and how behaviors can be affected by traditions causing people to perform harmful practices. Therefore, the story highlights the importance for individuals not to be ignorant and form their own ideas, as well as question social norms before conforming to them. By analyzing the story “The Lottery” the author presents a scenario that encourages the characters to demonstrate the worst of human nature and her readers to condemn this darkness. The readers are given a demonstration by the inhabitants of town, who insist on the lottery continuing, despite the obvious immorality. Additionally, she highlights the character’s lack of empathy towards Tessie, who can only cry and shout that the lottery “wasn’t fair” and “right”. However, the reaction of the crowd around her not only evokes criticism from the reader, but it also makes the reader empathize and understand the desperation that is present in the people of the town to follow the tradition despite the harm they cause. …show more content…

In the story “The Lottery” Old Man Warner stated that the lottery was done to “ensure good crops” and that “there has always been a lottery” and stopping it would be rather “stupid” or “primitive”. (as cited in The Lottery, 1948,

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