Hotline Bling Song Analysis

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The song Hotline Bling,I enjoyed the melody,but i didn’t particularly enjoy the message that the artist protrayed lyrically.The whole notion of the song seemed questionable.In this song I felt as if these lyrics held a resentful and sulky vibe.The song didn’t leave me feeling any type of acclaim.But I was left with a negetive impression of the artist.In particular his views regarding his dissatisfaction with a past girlfriends actions.I felt so conflicted.

If I had to challenge some aspects of these lyrics I would propose that this song contains patriarchal expectations.I tried to look at it from the artist point of view,but in my opinion I feel that most of the resentment comes from him no longer feeling that he is special to her anymore.As she has established her own independence without him.”Ever since I left the city,You got a reputation for yourself now,Everybody knows and I …show more content…

As my own mother has been victim to an abusive relationship I can recognise some of the similarities.Being ridiculed for not being able to cater to his every waking whim,my mother becoming independent and establishing her own career goals with the discontent of my father.Judgement angst,and jealousy.

Such as, “You got a reputation for yourself now.Everybody knows and I feel left out”.I felt as he holds a resentful attitude and has adopted the mentality of “I have acted like a leader to you, and have given you my guidance.But now you neglect to acknowledge the larger influence i’ve had in your life” or That she has now disconnected from him and has established her own independence without him.

The artist has obviously expressed his concerns.”Cause ever since I left the city,you,started wearing less and goin'out more”.I thought of this as judgmental and

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