Hostile Workplace Conditions under Ambiguous Sexual Harassment Policies

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Having been employed by both large and small companies, I have found that each offers different positives and negatives. Large companies usually offer great benefits and provide clear employee conduct policies to avoid costly lawsuits. Small companies offer more collaboration and intimacy between employer and employee. However, the latter can be a problem if the leadership does not recognize their risk in violating federal laws or behaviors contributing to a hostile work environment. Leadership can also create a more ethical and open work environment by adopting a transformational leadership style. Inappropriate Leadership Behavior Example Once I worked for a small manufacturing firm that employed an unusually diverse mix of genders and minorities for a Midwestern company. Just before my employment, a consulting management firm’s contract had recently completed to address infighting among departments. The president of the company, who I will call Carol, had taken over leadership when her father retired. She had an undergraduate degree in human resources and lifetime exposure to running the business. Carol cared about the well-being of employees, although her management skills were questionable at times. Carol was under age forty, married with young children, attractive and athletic, and she dressed in a casual way neither hiding nor flaunting her sexuality. Occasionally Carol would walk the floor and stop in the engineering office to chat with my male supervisor. The casual discussion, typically about home and family issues, was heard above open cubicles including the closest employees - all educated and married men. However, a few times Carol included topics invoking mental images of herself in the nude. ... ... middle of paper ... ...ior was unprofessional and unethical as well as a potential liability, I’m sure she would have changed it. I considered confronting her about it, but did not want to avoid perception as oversensitive and lacking the same humor as my male peers. Company documentation included a sexual harassment policy, but the leader failed to connect her own behavior. Also, adopting a transformational leadership style might have been effective for this company with a focus on ethical leadership and employee feedback. Finally, email etiquette and professionalism should have been trained and adopted, while policy enforcement would have ensured this. Unfortunately, this writing does not include any positive experiences working for this company. Perhaps there would have been more had I been able to share insight after learning about some of the benefits of effective leadership.

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