Hospitality Experience In Hospitality

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Hospitality is a people business which use a unique approach to customers. Customers have to come to the property to order to consume the product. The product in hospitality industry is perishable, inseparable, intangible and variable. Depends on the organisation, the product can be delivered to the customers differently. The product that is consumed in hospitality industry not simply just accommodation and food, but also includes the service that is provided by the hospitality staff ‘You cannot invent them. Hospitality comes from inside a human being.’ (Sturman,, 2011, pp. 14) and the unique environment of the organisation itself. The consumption of this “product” will make up the hospitality experience of the customers. The experience that a customer receives from a hospitality organisation will be built around four components. It includes: management operations, aesthetics of …show more content…

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