Horse Evolution Research Paper

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Horse Evolution
Horses have always been a large chunk of my life. I was five years old the first time I rode a horse and I have been fascinated with them ever since. My dad bought my first horse around age five. Having horses growing up helped myself to deal with my troubled childhood. They were my therapy. When I remained upset in regards matters I couldn’t understand or I didn’t have anyone to talk to my horses were there. I would leave and ride my Shetland pony, Snowball. She seemed to understand when I stayed sad and seemed to help myself feel safer. Humans have long enjoyed horses as companions. We utilize them on farms, to aid in carrying heavy loads, as a way of transportation and companionship. Horses have evolved over millions of years, …show more content…

Five million years ago, one-toed, horse-like- grazers were the first in the form as Equus, today’s only living species. Evolution quickly shifted from the New World to the Old, where modern species of zebras and asses appeared. (Horses, Zebras, and Asses, 2009) In the early 20th century, paleontologies realized that the pattern in horse evolution was a further complex tree with a number of “side branches” a few lead to extinct species while others were closely related to the species Equus. (MacFadden, …show more content…

Horses during the Stone Age where mainly hunted for food. This existed around the last Ice Age. The images of the horses that they have drawn appear similarly to primitive wild horses we recognize today as Przewalski’s horse.
Therefore Przewalski’s horse, was first identified in 1881 by Russian explorer Colonel Nicolai Przewalski, in western Mongolia. It remained on the edge of extinction due to hunting by the local people. Przewalski’s horse has since been saved by captive breeding and it has been reintroduced to its native Asian steppes. It lives here now in its fully wild state, but is carefully protected, it is our last living link to its primitive ancestors. (Woodward, 2013) It is thought that the Przewalski horses have been living in the wild for at least 20,000 years.
In recent excavations in the Prošek Dome, that consisted of bone-rich Upper Pleistocene accumulation. Many Przewalksi horses and the wooly mammoth remains were found near hyena dens. Even though cave paintings depict these horses to have been around between 18,000 to 10,000 BCE. Research has shown them to have been around for a great deal longer. Pleistocene Epoch in the Quaternary Period, in the Cenozoic Era our book shows to have been 0.01-1.8 millions of years ago followed by a Significant Mammalian Extinction before the Holocene Epoch takes

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