Horror Vs Gore

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Among the many genres that exist in movies, books, and video games, one of the most distinctive is horror. To many, the thrill they feel is something they could never experience outside of a screen or page. Although in our culture there are those who avoid it, horror and gore has become appealing to our society in the form of entertainment. First, it is easy to get “thrillers and “horrors” confused. A “thriller” is something that, while it does bring as some of the same feelings, is less about relating to the audience, and more about making the situation each character in thrilling. “Horrors” on the other hand are more about trying to put you and the characters into a scene of spine-chilling jumps and scares. Television companies jumped on the bandwagon after they realized, we as people want to be scared. If you notice the most watched shows such as NCIS, The Walking Dead, or Sherlock all have a thrill that can only be found in gore. …show more content…

With other elements such as suspense and mystery, horror has taken the younger generation by storm. Every suspicion felt after an intense gore is often mistaken for fear, but this only adds to show how involved we feel in these situations that we ourselves cannot experience. That hesitation about taking a shower after watching blood and gore rain from the sleek showerhead of a crime show is natural, as the brain cannot distinguish reality from thoughts. Eventually that self doubt and “fear” exit the stage, and because of that there are people who find what once scared them has no

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