Honesty: First Chapter Of The Book Of Wisdom

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A wise man named Thomas Jefferson once said, “Honesty is the first chapter of the book of wisdom.” This quote means that in order to have intelligence, one must have honesty. Honesty is a critical skill to have and should always be used. People should always be honest because, lying is wrong, they wouldn’t have to carry a burden, and honesty is the best way to gain others trust. When people are honest then no one could accuse them of dishonesty. People will believe them to keep their secrets or any important information. Others will spread one’s honesty, and soon enough everyone will know whom they can trust. No one would doubt someone who has only been honest. Since someone who is purely honest is hard to come by. Honesty comes with many prizes, one being honest will earn people’s trust. They could be a really important part of society. People will ask them for their advice on every matter, because they know that person will not provide wrong information. One honestly will help them. Since people can trust one because one does not lie. One can rest peacefully knowing everyone trusts them. …show more content…

Guilt builds up and makes them feel bad about themselves. Additionally, when someone lies about something they have to take action to hide their actions. They have to lie many times over to hide or cover one lie they told. This can create a lot of anxiety, adding to the pressure of dishonesty. Thus, they feel guilty. Guilt is poison to one's mental health. In fact, lying causes stress, and increases aging. Also stress can potentially cause disease such as heart attack and stroke. If people really think about their wellbeing they should never lie, because honesty will keep them healthy and guilt

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