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A MetLife study found that in 2007, 45% of students in 3rd - 12th grade spend over an hour everyday on homework. I feel that doing this much work at home, is a problem. Teachers have so much to teach and go through, students rarely have time to complete the homework in class. If the students were allowed to immediately start homework, (if they didn't need help), then I think this problem will be resolved because it seems like teachers over elaborate on lessons. Teachers should give students a greater amount of work time in class, making sure students get homework done, getting the help they need, and getting better grades.

The homework for students is getting out of hand, which is all the more reason for students to do homework in class. Teachers seem to talk too much about the assignments and do other things like correcting homework in class. Correcting homework in class alone, takes roughly half the class time. Teachers have talked for the whole hour about assignments and how to do it, which seemed like it was not needed. The amount of homework per day is more then enough to prove the knowledge of the subject. These reasons are responsible for students for students having so much work to do a home. …show more content…

For one, students can't get as much help from teachers while at home, so they might get worse grades and not understand the subject as well. Students end up staying up later due to homework. According to Doctor Craig Canapari from drcraigcanapari.com , " depression, anxiety, and irritability are all associated with insufficient sleep". Most students, including myself, have after school activities, so homework isn't always the first thing to get done after school if there's time at at all. Last but certainly not least, homework is easily forgotten at home. A simple mistake, but a devastating blow to a student's grade. Such easily solved problems could cause awful

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