Home Remedies For Uti Research Paper

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Simple and effective home remedies for UTI (urinary infection) that can flow through the urethra to the kidneys bladder.

Home Remedies For UTI Treatment

The medical field highly recommends home remedies for UTI (urinary-tract infection) unless it is severe.

The urinary tract is responsible for making urine and passing it out of the body. It is composed of the kidneys, ureters (tubes that move urine from kidneys to bladder), the bladder, and urethra.

The presence of bacteria in the tract, through which urine passes from the kidneys via the bladder, is known as urinary tract infection or UTI.

This infection is more common in young girls and women than men, due to many different reasons, especially the short length of the female urethra …show more content…

It makes it easier for bacteria to infect the urethra and travel upstream to the bladder and kidneys. The good report is that you can treat the infection with home remedies for UTI.

Some other causes of the infection include different sexual partners, and holding back the urge to urinate. Others such as renal stones and tumors are very seldom.

The most common urinal infection that affects people is bladder infection (cystitis) which is not very serious, but if left unattended, can develop into serious kidney infections.

Some symptoms of urinary tract infection may include burning sensation when passing urine, the need to urinate frequently - this may lead to urinary incontinence or even cause bedwetting problems, cloudy urine and urine with offensive odor. Others are pain in the loin, fever, and chills, which are indications of upper infection of kidneys or ureters.

Urinary tract infection treatment

Natural home remedies for UTI are the easiest and the most comfortable methods of treatment for the

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