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The Holocaust causes and consequences
Essays on the Holocaust history
Two different perspectives surrounding the holocaust
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The Holocaust was tragic and with today’s school teachers teach us how bad the Holocaust was. Adolf Hitler was a bully on a group of specific people, Jewish people. The lesson you can take from the Holocaust is to love each other’s differences not put people down for being different. Everyone should be kind to one another and be fair to everyone because no one wants another Holocaust. If another person comes into power and destroys a nation it can end badly that’s why schools nationwide teach that bullying is wrong. The memorial video is very powerful it shows the bullied side of the story. The ones effected were upset, and the ones who are bullying do not understand the pain they have caused. The wrong the Nazis have done can not be changed,
but the future can. No one has to go out and kill population, but people can go out and save a population. It all starts at a young age with school, if their is bullying in your school change it because no one wants a mini Holocaust. The bullying in schools has gotten out of hand with social networks and technology being in our finger tips. The time to end this is now, for all majorities coming together, it is time.
He moves the audience like a pendulum. He talks about the evil, compassion, indifference and hope. His pathos moved deep into the audience by questioning the history which returns made the audience question also. The argument of indifference, making people felt abandoned and forgotten didn’t really hit home until he added the phrase “All of us did.” He reminded the audience of the raw emotion of how all the Jewish people felt being in those camps for so long and nobody, not one person jumping to their aid. The speech would have less meaning coming from anyone who wasn’t a survivor of the Holocaust. Just a little sentence like that can feel sharper than a knife and leave a great reminder on why we should be
For many educated people learning about the Holocaust can send them feelings of sorrow or deep remource. Not only for the meaning of the word, but why it is called that. The pure evil of the final solution created thought of and created by none other than Adolf Hitler will never stop haunting people more than half a decade later. One of the prominat things that everyone missed in his highly sold auto-biography "My struggle". The thought of solid hatrid found within the cover of the horiable book will always burn in the souls that it harmed from the day it began till the dawn of today.
During the rule of Adolf Hitler, many children who were Jewish lived a very frightening and difficult life. They never were given the love and compassion that every child needs and deserves growing up. The Holocaust is a story that will continue to be shared till the end of time.
I must say that this film is very traumatizing. There are some images in this film that will be burned and scarred into my mind for as long as I live. I have seen many holocaust films, but no one was as near as dramatic and depicting as Night and Fog. However I did like the theme of this movie. It is very sad but yet realistic. Our minds are murky and dull. We tend to only remember the important situation in our lives. Yet we don’t remember the importance of our own history. I say OUR history be cause we all are human beings on this earth. Whether we believe in Allah, Jesus, Jehovah, or whatever higher power, we are all one race, and that the human race. It is very sad to know that human beings were treated and slaughtered just because of an ideology of superiority complex. Al though the Jewish people were massacred I learned that we must always keep a sense of hope in order to assure our own survival. When I saw in the movie the moments where there were journals that read about favorite foods and important dates, my heart was filled with sadness. Not because these victims didn’t have this to eat but because of the false illusions that they had to dream in order to stay sane.
Everyone thought slavery was horrific but what Hitler did to the Jewish community was just as bad, if not, worse. A lot of us are oblivious to what really happened; the Jews were just another minority that got the short end of the stick. Millions of innocent Jews died due to Hitler and his rules.
Holocaust Facts The Holocaust has many reasons for it. Some peoples’ questions are never answered about the Holocaust, and some answers are. The Holocaust killed over 6 million Jews (Byers.p.10.) Over 1.5 million children (Byers, p. 10). They were all sent to concentration camps to do hard labor work.
We need to remember the Holocaust because of all the Jewish people who died and the people who tried to save them. In the book “Book Thief”, the family risked their lives to help one of their friends who was Jewish. If the Nazis found out about the Jewish person in their basement they would take the whole family to the death camp with the Jewish friend. Also in the “Boys who challenged Hitler”, a group of boys who lived in Denmark, risked their Life’s to save Jewish people by putting them on rafts to float over to Sweden. They did that because Sweden was a free country and the Nazi’s did not have control over them.
The Holocaust is a period of the world’s history many heard of, but few know the extent
I think a big impact on the life of Jews would be their belief in God
The phrase "a lesson to be learned and a tragedy to behold" has been indelibly attached to the Holocaust that to think of it in any other way is thought to insult all those of the Jewish community who lost their lives to the attempted genocide of their race by the Nazi regime. Despite such brevity attached to learning lessons from the Holocaust one must wonder whether the lesson has actually been learned or if people will continue to repeat the mistakes of the past. Angela Merkel, the current German Chancellor, has stated that the German experiment towards multi-culturalism has failed, those who wish to migrate into the country must learn the German way whether it is the language they speak, the culture they have or the very religion they hold dear . Such sentiments seem to echo those of the former Third Reich which held the German way, the Aryan way, as the only path to which people should attempt to pursue. While this paper is not trying to vilify the current German government nor is it trying to compare it to the Third Reich, the fact remains that the steps their government is taking fall uneasily close to that of their vilified predecessor. The fact is though, the German government is merely following through with the popular sentiment of its citizenry who believe immigrants coming into the country disrupts the German way of life and all attempts to live side by side in peace have failed. Despite being a predominantly Christian nation who supposedly follow the way of Christ, to hear them say that makes one wonder whether their claims truly reflects their deeds. It is from this situation that the essay of Eckardt and its view that the Holocaust is a "Christian Problem" becomes relevant to what is happening in the world today.
When World War 2 broke out in 1939, the United States of America was facing the dilemma of whether or not to intervene in the massacre known as the Holocaust. Some people believe that the United States did all they could to help the victims of the war. Some believe that America did hardly anything. But, there is stronger evidence pointing towards the fact that the United States did not do enough to stop the killing initiated by Adolf Hitler, the leader of the Nazi army.
I feel that I gained a lot of perspective while watching this film. To be honest, I had never really thought of people denying the Holocaust, in my mind it seemed so silly. I didn’t know that people legitimately argued that the Holocaust never happened, because I just accepted it as a fact. Much like Lipstadt says, “The Earth is not flat”. The climate is changing.
The Holocaust was one of the most tragic and trying times for the Jewish people. Hundreds of thousands of Jews and other minorities that the Nazis considered undesirable were detained in concentration camps, death camps, or labor camps. There, they were forced to work and live in the harshest of conditions, starved, and brutally murdered. Horrific things went on in Auschwitz and Majdenek during the Holocaust that wiped out approximately 1,378,000 people combined. “There is nothing that compares to the Holocaust.” –Fidel Castro
Education is a freedom that can sometimes be taken for granted in the United States. When it comes to educating our youth, most people would agree that it is important, but when it comes to choosing what topics children should be taught there is still debate. From controversy over banning certain books to controversy over banning topics in some subjects, the nation is still trying to figure out what is best for future generations to know. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) has not only made it clear that they believe children should be taught about the Holocaust, but they also provide many resources for teachers to implement curriculum. Not only is it appropriate to teach children about the Holocaust, but there are also many pros to doing so as well as specific ways of going about the lessons. Historians find facts about the past, educators pass the baton to their students and give the past
This shows how low the guards in the camps treated the Jews. They treated them like animals; they treated them as if they were not selves. The whole experience was extremely dehumanizing. I have never experienced anything so horrific in my lifetime but I have been through a dehumanizing affair. I was in high school when many of the boys would make comments about my womanly features in a derogatory fashion. Although they were just being playful and possibly trying to flirt, god-forbid, I would tell them off or sometimes just ignore it but it made me realize how insignificant those boys were and how that’s not all I was. I was and still am more than the derogatory terms they would call me. It pointed out more important things like intellect, and intelligence instead of physical image. It also made them look like animals. The primal concern for animals is pleasure and survival, the same for rational animals but they also strive for success, and finally people, our primary motivation in our lives is the search for meaning. That is first nature to us.