Hmong Parenting

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Hmong parents feared that their children would forget and abandon the values of the culture and traditions that has been in the Hmong communities for many generations (Lee et al., 2009). Therefore, Hmong parents became stricter on their children as a way to cope with their worries (Lee et al., 2009; Supple & Small, 2006). Hmong parental control over their children came in forms of one-way communication from the parent to the children, controlling their children’s behavior, monitoring their children’s activities, restricting their children’s freedom, verbal warnings, and physical punishment (Lee & Green, 2008; Pang, 1997; A. Supple et al., 2010; A. Supple & Small, 2006; Xiong et al., 2005). Although Hmong parents saw this as a way to protect their children and preserve their culture values and traditional practices, Hmong students perceived authoritarian parenting as being presumptuous (Supple et al., 2010). Hmong students found it difficult to understand the desire for parental control and the value for wanting to retain the Hmong culture since they are now living in the United States (Supple et al., 2010).

Financial Barriers
Hmong refugees came from a disadvantaged home environment that did not prepare them to adapt to life in the United States. Many Hmong refugees …show more content…

Although working Hmong families in the United States typically are self-employed as small farmers or work in the fast food industry, production companies, in the professional field and in the medical field (Vang, 2005). Many working Hmong families remain financially poor due to low wages and large family size. Data collected from the 2000 Census reported that the Hmong and Cambodian families had the lowest median income of all Asian groups. The approximate median incomes of Hmong and Cambodian families are $32,400 to $35,600 (Reeves & Bennett,

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