History and Construction of the Roman Colosseum

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The Roman Colosseum is one of the most familiar and notable constructions in the world. It was given the name The Colosseum during the middle ages. This wonderful construction remains standing nearly 2 century’s after it had been originally constructed. One of the noticeable thing behind the Colosseum's charm is its architectural design. In this report I will look at the history of the The Colosseum, how it constructed and what is happening to it today.

The History

Construction of The Colosseum was authorized by the emperor Vespasian in 70 A.D, and finished by his son Titus about 10 years later in 80 A.D. It’s located in Italy, in the middle of Rome and the area is called Piazza del Colosseo. The Colosseum was modified by the next Emperor, Domitian. He added some underground tunnels to keep animals and slaves. He as well added a building to the upper side of the Colosseum to rise the number of spectators.

The Roman Colosseum was built for staging many forms of entertainment for the ancient Romans. It can hold between 50,000 and 80,000 spectators (Hopkins, K. 2011), and it was built to show the wealth, might and power of Rome.

It has 76 separate doorways, to safeguard the huge crowds who came to the gladiator sports and were kept organized and to go in and exit easily. The latest Roman engineering and building techniques were used. Tunnels underneath the stadium contain 32 animal and lift systems worked by ropes and pulleys to make smooth fast movement of animals, gladiators and prisoners.

No one knows precisely how far the construction of the Colosseum cost. But 70 Titus had destroyed the city of Jerusalem. The resources of Jerusalem funded for the construction of the Colosseum. All Romans ensured free of cha...

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Hopkins, K. (2011, March 22). The Colosseum: Emblem of Rome. BBC News. Retrieved April 28, 2014, from http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/ancient/romans/colosseum_01.shtml

Mueller, T. (2011, January 1). Secrets of the Colosseum. Smithsonian. Retrieved May 11, 2014, from http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/secrets-of-the-colosseum-75827047/?no-ist

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