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Architecture of the colosseum
Architecture of the colosseum
Roman colosseum architecture
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History accounts for most of what our world is made up of today and to this day we have grown from what has occurred in the past. Back in 80 CE, a monumental amphitheater was created, in Rome. This amphitheater was to act as an entertainment hub where people would watch all kinds of games and sports. It was the Roman Empire’s central stage for gladiatorial combats and the wild beast hunts. It was ultimately meant to distract and socially control the public. In this paper, many aspects of this great amphitheater will be discussed. Some of items include historical/cultural aspects, aesthetic philosophy, period genres, stylistic traits and technical terms, biographical information and specific compositions. These aspects will be separated into 6 parts and thoroughly discussed.
Historical/Cultural Aspects
When discussing the historical and cultural aspects it is important to take into consideration the culture, religion, political, social, economic and artistic aspects of the time period.The construction of the Colosseum occurred during the Flavian Dynasty, between 69 CE to 96 CE. The construction of this massive amphitheater began in 70 CE under the reign of emperor Vespasian and ended sometime around 80 CE under the reign of his son Titus (Vespasian, 2013). During this time period Vespasian was greatly known for his reorganization of the army and the expansion of the membership of the senate, which ultimately dealt with the political, economic and military aspect of the Roman history and culture.
The reign of Vespasian and his two sons, Titus and Domitian, comprised the Flavian Dynasty. Unlike The Julio-Claudians that took reign before them, the Flavians were of Italian gentry, not Roman aristocracy. Following the assassination ...
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...ncient And Classical Periods, 3500 B.C.E.-500 C.E. - Rome - The Roman Empire, 14-284 C.E. - The High Empire - Civil War And A New Settlement." Encyclopedia Of World History (2001): 91-92. History Reference Center. Web. 4 April 2014.
Fiero, Gloria K. The Humanistic Tradition: The First Civilizations and the Classical Legacy. McGraw-Hill, 2009. Print.
Lerner Publishing, Group. "Ancient Rome." Ancient Construction. 69. US: Lerner Publishing Group, 2000. History Reference Center. Web. 4 April 2014.
Natanson, Ann. "A Colossal Undertaking." History Today 61.10 (2011): 6-7. Academic Search Complete. Web. 4 April 2014.
"Vespasian." Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6Th Edition (2013): 1. Academic Search Complete. Web. 4 April 2014.
"Vespasian (9-79)." Encyclopedia of World Biography. Detroit: Gale, 1998. General Reference Center GOLD. Web. 4 April 2014.
From about 50 BCE to the year 200 CE, the Roman Empire was a powerful nation. Rome was the city that became the center of the Roman Empire and by 200 BCE Rome became a powerhouse. The Romans conquered Scotland to Spain, controlled the Mediterranean Sea, and established colonies in North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia Minor. By the year 44 BCE Julius Caesar became a Roman Emperor and Rome had a great military. Then around the 5th century CE the Roman Empire began to weaken. The primary reasons for the fall of Rome was because of the Roman Emperors, the Roman Army, and foreign invasion.
At the start of the exhibition we are presented with various busts and sculptures of certain, and presumably famous, figures. It is when we see the sculpture of Aphrodite (see Fig. 1) that we start sensing the significance of the exhibition. These sculptures were the norm during the second century in the Bay of Naples, and by viewing the intricate details in each art piece we understand how worthy each work meant to each of the artists. The sculpture of Aphrodite portrayed a serene greeting to the exhibitors. She stood in the middle welcoming us with a soft and warm smile. Through this sculpture we view how the Pompeii artist was following the Greek perception of the human body such as what we see in Polykleitos’ sculpture, Doryphoros; Aphrodite stands with the weight shifted on to her left foot portraying the cross balance of the human body. Once we appreciate the first art room we are then presented with various pieces of the gardens that were found around the Bay of Naples.
Augustus, nephew of Julius Caesar, was the first Emperor of the Roman Empire and transitioned from the Republic to the Empire. Although Augustus had his name changed or modified several times through out his lifespan, the most recognized names are his birth given name, Gaius Octavius, and final nam...
The Circus Maximus was a large place in Greece. The Circus Maximus was a horse chariot race running around a track. Almost like our NASCAR races today, these races where the biggest attraction in the day of the Greece. The citizens were greatly involved in the racing of the Circus Maximus.("Circus Maximus princeton.edu") Because so many people were involved with these races, they had to find a way to seat all of these people. ("Circus Maximus aviewoncities.com”) This was the first time they invented stadiums. There were also other events held in the Circus Maximus. These events were held for a long time and were eventually ended around 549 BC. The Circus Maximus reflected the values of ancient Rome for entertainment and competition in ancient Roman culture.
n.d. - n.d. - n.d. The Roman Empire (27 B.C.–393 A.D.). Retrieved March 29, 2014, from http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/roem/hd_roem.htm Internet History Sourcebooks. n.d. - n.d. - n.d. Internet History Sourcebooks -. Retrieved March 27, 2014, from http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/ancient/suetonius-augustus.asp Internet History Sourcebooks.
Over the span of five-hundred years, the Roman Republic grew to be the most dominant force in the early Western world. As the Republic continued to grow around the year 47 B.C it began to go through some changes with the rise of Julius Caesar and the degeneration of the first triumvirate. Caesar sought to bring Rome to an even greater glory but many in the Senate believed that he had abused his power, viewing his rule more as a dictatorship. The Senate desired that Rome continued to run as a republic. Though Rome continued to be glorified, the rule of Caesar Octavian Augustus finally converted Rome to an Empire after many years of civil war. Examining a few selections from a few ancient authors, insight is provided as to how the republic fell and what the result was because of this.
Rome’s most famous landmark, Colosseum is a large Amphitheatre that could hold up to 50,000 people seated, which is located in Rome, Italy. The Colosseum was used as a royal treat, entertainment where gladiators would fight with wild beast in front of people, animal hunt, theatre performances and public executions for public entertainment and also the King himself. Most of the public event was held at Colosseum. The Roman Colosseum was built between 69 to 79 CE by the Vespasian emperor.
The Roman Empire: In the First Century." PBS. Accessed May 06, 2014. http://www.pbs.org/ 7 empires/romans/empire/julius_caesar.html. The Roman Empire:
The city of Rome delivers rich culture, influential architecture, and beautiful scenery that collectively demonstrate a course of great history and a prominent civilization. There are various structures from Imperial Rome that are highly recognized and mentioned within artistic research. Some examples include the Pantheon, Basilica Ulpia, Flavian Amphitheater, Arch of Titus, and Column of Trajan. Also referred to as Trajan’s Column, the iconic sculpture retains a prestigious appearance as it’s shown with characteristics of empowering height and intricate detail (Fig. 1). When analyzing such a remarkable piece of artwork one should consider the different elements that pertain to the subject matter and historical context. With that in mind, this paper presents the argument that the column is not only a portrayal of the Dacian Wars but also a funerary monument, paradigm of military inspiration, and tribute to Trajan’s reign.
“Throughout Domitian’s early years and adolescents, the family’s status remained high, but progress was most marked in the 60s.'; (Jones, 1992) One example of the family’s good fortune was that they inherited a great deal of money. This allowed them to gain access to the imperial court, as well as granting them senatorial rank. In order to accomplish this four different families became one family which enabled Domitian to gain power. “Domitian’s brother Titus, now in his mid-twenties, found a suitable wife in Arrecina Tertulla and it seems that Domitian’s first cousin Sabinus the third had also married into the same family, selecting one of Arrecina’s sisters. Unfortunately, Arrecina soon died and Titus sought a second wife. Marcia Furnilla, daughter or niece of Vespasian’s amicus Barea Soranus, was an excellent choice, with consular senators in her father’s and mother’s family.'; (Jones, 1992)
The year 509 BC Rome finally became a Republic and thus started the Roman empire. As Rome rose to power they went through many wars and many conflicts between the plebeians and patricians. The republic was made out of 3 groups, the consuls which were 2 men elected from the senate, the senate which was made of 300 patricians, and the assembly made from plebeians. Many years later Rome started to reject the republic when it went into a series of civil wars. 3 men form the first triumvirate, Julius Caesar, Pompeii, and Crassus.
The Colosseum is an important part of ancient Roman history. The amphitheater is a symbol of Roman culture. The Colosseum displayed the violence of Roman culture. This incredibly unique amphitheater dominated the city of Rome. It was one of the most innovative and complex structures during that time period. The vastness of this impressive building displayed the wealth and power of the Roman Empire to other empires and enemies of the Romans. The Colosseum was created for public entertainment purposes. Gladiator fights with prisoners of war and slaves, wild animal hunts, professional fights, and public executions all took place at the Colosseum. Sea battles, rarely performed at the Colosseum, involved flooding the arena with water and releasing sharks for gladiators to fight. The excitement and thrill of each event kept spectators coming back.
Legend has it that Rome was founded Romulus and Remus, twin sons of Mars, the god of war. Left to drown in a basket on the Tiber River and rescued by a she-wolf. They found their own city on the river’s banks in 753 B.C. Romulus killed his brother and then became the first king of Rome, which is named for him. (History.com). Early Rome was governed by kings, but only after seven kings, the Romans took power of their city and ruled themselves. They created a council known as the senate which ruled over them, the Roman Republic. Roman-Empire.net states that “The word 'Republic' itself comes from the Latin (the language of the Romans) words 'res publica' which mean 'public matters' or 'matters of state'” (http://www.roman-empire.net/children/history.html) The senate would appoint a consul who ruled over Rome like a king, but for only a year. These consuls would always rule carefully and not as tyrants because they knew that once they served their year, they could be punished by the next consul. Rome had four social classes as stated by Roman-Empire.net that were called “Slaves, Plebeians, Equestrians and Patricia...
The Pax Romana, or Roman Peace, was a time of great prosperity for all people under Rome’s rule. Roman citizens enjoyed the spectacles of the gladiators in the coliseum and the comedies performed at the many theatres. The Romans are attributed with the development of concrete, which enabled them to build large structures such as aqueducts. As Rome grew into the primary world leader, it’s Republican government was falling apart. The Senate was ineffective because it had no control of the vast armies that provided power. Conservative Romans who believed strongly in the Republic would immediately target a strong general who took sole control. Rome was in need of a solitary, powerful leader. Octavian skillfully turned himself into an emperor without suffering the fate of his great-uncle, Caesar. He controlled the army, and managed to please the masses. Once in the position of power, he changed the government not only to benefit himself, but also to benefit the Empire and ultimately the people. This structure was so strong, that it could survive through weak emperors such as Caligula and Nero and major problems like who the next emperor should be. Octavian was so influential that eventually the Romans did not care that they were no longer a Republic. They knew that with Octavian, they could become the greatest empire in...
The Roman Colosseum, also known as the Flavian Amphitheatre, is perhaps the most famous ancient landmark in the world. The Colosseum was the host to thousands of gladiatorial shows, mock naval battles, executions, and animal hunts. Today, the Colosseum still stands in the center of Rome, Italy, however, not quite as it used to be. Still, today, the Roman Colosseum is a large tourist attraction, thousands of tourists from all over the world still come to view this marveled arena. The Roman Colosseum has a rich history, and remains a prized possession of the Roman citizens.