Sailing Essay Outline

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Colby skaug

Mrs. Shaver




Sailing, without it the world today would not be the same. Sailing brought the english

explorers to America and was the only way for english settlers to migrate here. Sailing pretty much populated America and made this country what it is today. Sailing has dated back to the primitive ages, with the first sailboat boat being something as simple as a hollowed out piece of wood with a cloth tied to it. With the new invention of sailing the saling techniques and designs of the boats quickly became more and more advanced. Scientists have dated the oldest sailboat remains back to 2900 b.c and the oldest illistration is dated back to the early 5th millenium. Sailing led to a whole new world of exploration, before it, people were limited to the land, but …show more content…

Also you should always stay at least 50ft away from a boat thats fishing. Obeying these rules should keep you out of harms way on the water.

Richie, Michael W. “Sailing Rules and Regulations”. Encyclopedia of sailing. Penn State: Lipencott and Crowell. 2011. 1-128, 21 apr. 2014.

When you are sailing you really only need the one mainsail to get you moving, although their are many other types of sails that will get you moving faster and help you while maneuvering. These other types of sails include the headsail, jib, and the spinnaker. A headsail is any sail which is set in front of the mast. The jib is the small, triangular sail in front of the mainsail on the mast. The spinnaker is a big parachute shaped sail thats in front of the mainsail when sailing with the wind. The spinnaker catches wind blowing from behind and helps the sailboat to move much faster.

Rich, Maeve. “Different Types of Sails”. Life123. 2014. Life123 inc. 20 Apr. http;// of

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