After recognizing that Rick Riordan’s novels from the Percy Jackson series would not suffice as research, I began my development of knowledge on Perseus and Pegasus with research. Beginning with the magazines Sky & Telescope and Astronomy and the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics, I viewed countless photographs of the constellations before turning to other websites to learn about the mythology and other basic information. The constellation Perseus is located with a right ascension of 3 hours and declination of 45 degrees (Dolan, Chris). Perseus is visible from August to March in the northern hemisphere. The constellation Pegasus has a right ascension of 22 hours and a declination of 20 degrees (“Pegasus”). Pegasus is visible from July to January. …show more content…
Perseus defends his mother’s honor, but in the process aggravates the King. The King plans to remove Perseus from his mother’s side. In order to do this, however, the King must use a fake engagement to Hippodameia and demand horses as engagement presents. Since Perseus cannot afford a horse, the King asks him instead to bring the head of Gorgon Medusa to him. Unfortunately, Medusa was a challenging target for Perseus. After Poseidon fancied Medusa, Athena gave Medusa snakes for hair so that she would have to live an ugly life. In addition to having snakes for hair, Medusa’s glare could also turn intruders into stone. But an engagement present is worth the risk, right? And so the journey begins. Clad with Athena’s bronze shield, Hephaestus’s sword of diamond, Hades’s invisibility helmet, and Hermes’s winged sandals, Perseus embarks to decapitate Medusa (“Perseus …show more content…
For example, the Cumulo de Pegaso is located off the tip of Pegasus’s nose and is known for its intensely bright center (Pommier, Rod). Cumulo de Pegaso was discovered by Jean-Dominique Maraldi in 1764 (“Pegasus Constellation”). Unlike Cumulo de Pegaso which can be seen with a small-telescope, Stephan’s Quintet requires a large telescope (Bakich, Michael E). Stephan’s Quintet is the first compact group of five galaxies. Edouard Jean-Marie Stephan discovered Stephan’s Quintet in 1877 (Berman, Bob.). In 1784, William Herschel discovered the Propeller Galaxy. The Propeller Galaxy is undergoing star forming activity, resulting in the S-shape it was named after “Pegasus Constellation”). Also in 1784, William Herschel discovered the spiral galaxy of NGC 7331. NGC 7331 resembles the Milky Way in size and structure (“Pegasus Constellation”). Lastly, Einstein’s Cross includes four quasars that show the phenomenon of gravitational lensing. Einstein predicted gravitational lensing in his general theory of relativity, claiming that gravity would be able to bend light. This prediction led to Einstein’s Cross’s name (“Pegasus
"Leda and the Constellation Cygnus." Department of Engineering, University of Michigan. 17 February 1999
yourself in Northern California. frozen shore of Tule Lake. Now regard what sort of shape. this constellation takes a look. It sits there like a jagged scar.
The settings are the Grey Sisters Place, some place with Athena, island of the Gorgons, Into the air, and Atlas’s island. The settings are different because it has more than Perseus. The events are that Perseus was sent off the quest, He then gets a lot of gifts after that he goes to see the Grey sisters and steals their eye then goes to see Atlas she gives him the hat of darkness. After that goes to Medusa’s cave and he cuts off Medusa’s head, he escapes Medusa's sisters. The event is different because he has a lot of things to do before going and killing medusa and in the poem Perseus he just got a shield and cut her head.
The Task, In Perseus the main task that happens is when Perseus a demigod, son of Zeus goes out to capture something special. Perseus sets out on an adventure to kill Medusa and capture her head to bring back as a gift. The hard part is that in one glance eye to eye at Medusa you will automatically turn into stone. Therefore, this was a hard feat to accomplish and it was one that he wanted to fulfill after he told they guy who was going to marry his mom he would bring them Medusa’s head. He laughed at him and that was a sign of determination for Perseus to accomplish his goal
As they sit today, the two stars look like a pair of eyes, the right one being Hadar and the left being Rigel Kentaurus. These two stars are considered pointer stars. A “pointer star” is a star that points towards the Southern Cross. Some of the Australian aboriginals call this pair “The two men that once were lions”. Other aboriginals consider them to be the twins that created the world.”
The story of Medusa and Perseus is known as one of the top thriller tales in Greek Mythology. To begin, Medusa is one of three sisters, Sthenno and Euryale. However, she is the only mortal one. Originally, Medusa had golden, long, beautiful hair. She was Athena’s Priestess and swore to a celibate life. Later on, Medusa met Poseidon, fell in love with him and completely forgot about her vows to Athena. The Goddess Athena was so infuriated that she turned Medusa into a hideous looking monster. Her golden locks became venomous snakes and her face became so grotesque that any God or immortal to look into her eyes would become a statue of stone. Athena did this so Medusa would not attract any man. The same came for her sisters because Poseidon
Aegus, Theseus’s father, commands him to go to Athens. Theseus becomes determined to choose the perilous land passage from the peloponnesus across the Isthmus of corinth to Athens and had to face different types of enemies. “Theseus made land travel safe between Troezen and Athens and earned fame and honour”(Roseberg & Baker 246). Theseus confidence not only allows him to accomplish finishing the dangerous passage, he also made two easy ways to get there. Perseus meets a beautiful girl name Andromeda. Andromeda explains how the lord of the sea sends a ravenous sea monster upon their land. “I will rescue your daughter, in return Andromeda will be my wife” (206). Perseus was confident that he would defeat the monster. Knowing that her life would have had to be sacrificed, Perseus was confident in his abilities and is aware of his own strength which leads him to be positive in the defeat of the monster. Although Perseus is
Capricorn is well known for its several notable stars and its globular cluster Messier 30 (A Guide to the Night Sky 1, Kaler 1,Kornmessser 3, Zimmermann 1). “Also, there are five meteor showers associated with Capricornus: the Alpha Capricornids, the Chi Capricornids, the Sigma Capricornids, the Tau Capricornids, and the Capricorniden Sagittarids” (A Guide to the Night Sky 1). Capricorn is the 40th biggest constellation in our galaxy. It is one of the twelve zodiac constellations. “It is in the elliptic zone, which means it can only be seen during specific months of the year”.
The story of Pegasus begins when Perseus, Hermes and Athena were sent to kill Medusa. They had a special sword that wouldn’t shatter or chip once used to strike the Gorgon’s scales and a shield that could also serve as a mirror. Perseus used the shield to look behind him and he slowly but surely got behind Medusa then beheaded her. Perseus had also used an invisible helmet to escape the sisters of Medusa so they couldn’t counterattack and get revenge ("Legend of Pegasus"). The leftover blood that oozed from the bodiless head and fell into the ocean, to make foam, created Pegasus ("Constellation of Pegasus").
2, Alter Dinsmore, Cleminshaw H. Clarence, Philips G John. Pictorial Astronomy. United States: Sidney Feinberg, 1963.
The Orion Nebula is one of the closest stellar regions to the Earth. Using parallax measurements, it has been estimated that this nebula is only 1,500 light years away. In addition, the Orion Nebula is a relatively young star cluster, with an approximate age of less than one million years. It has even been speculated that some of the younger stars within the cluster are only 300,000 years old.
Orion, the Hunter, is perhaps the most widely recognized of all constellations. In Greek mythology, Orion was a mighty hunter who triumphed over the mightiest beasts but fell victim to the bite of a lowly scorpion. To acknowledge this, the gods placed Orion on the opposite side of the sky as the constellation Scorpio so the two would never be visible simultaneously. To the ancient Egyptians, Orion was the god Osiris, while Amazonian Indians saw Orion as a giant river turtle. This article will explore some of the stars and deep sky objects found in this fascinating constellation.
Perseus grew up to be a strong fearless lad. One day he claimed to King Polydectes, “Oh, Host and Benefactor, I owe you too much gratitude to repay you with the common gift of a horse. I shall bring you the head of Medusa!”(Evslin.110) Perseus set off for his mission, he encountered the gray sisters and the apple nymphs forcing them to give him information about Medusa’s location. Then he went to Medusa with three gifts from the apple nymphs: a sword, a shield, and the Cap of Darkness. Successfully Perseus killed Medusa and while bringing Medusa’s head towards the island of Sephiros. He encountered a sea serpent who was creating trouble by the nearby town of Cepheus. Perseus drew out Medusa’s head and turned the sea serpent into stone. Throughout Perseus’s mission he encountered many obstacles and he handled each challenge in a smart and clever way, unlike King
Taurus is the 2nd sign of the Zodiac constellations. Taurus stands for a bull, Taurus the bull. Taurus is a northern winter constellation and can be best seen in December (“The Signs of the Zodiac and the 12 Zodiacal Constellations”). Taurus is the most famous and visible out of the zodiac constellations. Taurus was first classified by Ptolemy, the Greek astronomer. Taurus dates all the way back to the Bronze Age. The brightest stars are Aldebaran and Alpha Tauri. Alsebaran is the 13th brightest star The constellation is famous for Pleiades/ Messier 45, or also called the Seven Sisters and the Hyades. Taurus is the 17th largest constellation in the sky, it is 797 square degrees. The constellations that are the closest to Taurus are Aries, Perseus, Auriga, Orion, and Eridanus (“Taurus Constellation”). Taurus is the 2nd sign of the zodiac constellations.
Everyone has a Zodiac sign that they base their daily horoscope on. But do they really know where those signs come from? First of all, all that horoscope stuff is really astrology, but the real signs come from the constellations on the ecliptic. In our celestial atmosphere there is the ecliptic which is the path of the stars and constellations. On this path there are twelve constellations including Virg...