History Of Auschwitz Concentration Camps

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During the Holocaust many concentration camps were built by the Nazis for the killing and suffering of Jews. As Hitler wanted all Jews to perish off the Earth he wanted theses concentration camps were Jews can be brought in and could be killed one by one. These Jews were killed many ways inside these concentration camps and nobody even knew about it. Nobody outside knew about because it was kept a huge secret. These concentration camps were the end to on Jews’ journey in life.
. The Auschwitz concentration camp was made first commander at Auschwitz Rudolf Hoss who had experience of running concentration camps. Auschwitz was located in Southern Poland in a city called Krakow. When the camp was being built the houses and factories nearby were bulldozed to make space for the camp. Though this was true Auschwitz was not made for it to be a concentration camp. Auschwitz was intended to be a detention center for Polish citizens who got arrested after Germany took over Poland in 1939. The Auschwitz concentration camp was opened on spring of 1940. The concentration camp became the largest c...

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