Hipster And What Does It Mean To Be Successful Essay

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The question that many people wonder today is, what is success and what does it mean to be successful? Well, in today’s universe constructed of technology and overpowered with politics many people believe that success is conspired by how rich and famous a person is. However, just because a person is rich and famous, are they popular and always joyful and even confident with themselves? If so, they are the apotheosis of success, yet this is rarely the case. Marketers want today’s society to believe that by having a lot of money, owning a big house, wearing the latest fashion trends and driving the new cars is happiness and that overall happiness is success. Marketers have brainwashed today’s society through technology and politics and have created …show more content…

A journalist for Wired News explains how a hipster is successful, “What is a hipster, after all, other than a successful slave to the dictates of the pop culture police” (Long). A “hipster” is a conformist that is struggling to keep up with the current fashions and up-to-date styles of day-to-day life (Long). “Success” has been idolized to represent ones popularity and fame. However, this commercialized picture of “success” has taken away many peoples originality. Money does not make a person successful nor does it make a person happy. Money makes a person popular to others and less confident to themselves.
Marketers overpower the society today with the use of technology and media that deprive Americans from becoming successful. Americans have lived their lives thinking that money in the way to go, and that it is better to be rich and famous than to be respected. Success is not made up of money and power, it is made up of ones character, respect, integrity, honor and dignity. The claim by marketers is illegitimate because success must be worked for in order to achieve it and a person must have confidence in themselves to withhold their success. Ralph Emerson

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