Hip Hop Influence

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“Hip-hop allows a kind of marriage between the rhetorical and the musical by means of some of the most amazing linguistic virtuosity we have seen in the English language. (West, 2008). Hip-hop first originated in the late 1970’s early 1980’s with animated, rhythmic bass and rhyming words. 1986-1991 was the golden era of hip hop artists such as Public Enemy. The term Hip-hop originated from an early New York rapper Lovebug Starkski. (Kunjufu 1993). The origins of rap are Black and Latino. (Dyson 2007). Hip hop has a lot more than music it has become a way to break barriers into becoming a way of culture for society. Hip-hop music gives youth a content and feeling to explore identity and voice amidst what is often the chaos of daily living. “Hip-hop is a highly dynamic culture whose very nature is change” …show more content…

Hip hop has gone from just DJ-ing, graffiti, break dancing and just rapping to self-expression, mannerisms and demeanor. Hip-hop has made its way to mainstream tv such as Wild N Out, Love and Hip-hop, and Growing up Hip-hop. Hip-hop has influenced the lives of today’s youth, mostly African American youth. The influence that hip hop has on today’s youth can be both positive and negative. Unfortunately, it has more negatives because of the lyrics can be rather aggressive, the want for material gain, and encouraging misogynistic behaviors. Hip-hop has been positive, when a rapper such as T.I raps about a song it brings awareness to the community, it gets everyone talking and wanting to make a change. The Black Lives Movement going on he wrote a song called “We Will Not”. The meaning behind this song is to bring awareness, for police brutality and justice for African Americans. Hip-hop has become a platform for people to be able to

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