Hindu Belief of Samsara

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Hindu Belief of Samsara

(6)The Hindu belief in samsara, the cycle of life, death, and rebirth

includes reincarnation into forms other than human. It is believed

that someone could live many lifetimes before they become a man. Each

species is in this process of samsara until one achieves moksha, union

with god Brahma. The Hindu religious goal of moksha is not salvation,

and does not need forgiveness, but detachment from the material world.

Though some people might argue that such a goal with these aspects

rejects the natural world as having value, the Hindu goal is to

liberate ‘one’ from the self, from the illusion of the material world

as being separate and individual.

2. Explain why the law of Karma is an important belief for Hindus-

(4)(6)We are all, according to Hinduism subject to the Law of Karma,

another important belief. This is the equivalent to the natural law of

cause and effect. You always reap what you sow. There is no grace,

there is no forgiveness, and there is never any escape from

consequences and the deeds that you have done. It's a very heavy

‘burden’ to carry. Not only that, but Hinduism says that the

consequences of our choices, both bad karma and good karma, follow us

from lifetime to lifetime. And therefore Karma can show what you have

done and where you have been. I think this shows a very important

aspect of Hinduism as it carries on your back, apparently, through

lifetime-to-lifetime no matter what or who you are.

3. Name four Hindu Gods-

Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma and Ganesh

4.Explain why Hindus have different beliefs about the way to Moksha-

(6)Moksha has to be attained by hard work and not ...

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... it you don’t question it. (Although for Father

Christmas to be real he’d have to deliver 389 presents per second! He

He!) So the concept of people actually believing in this statement is

not so hard to believe-Unlike Father Christmas!

My opinion on the statement-

I disagree with this statement as this is not what my religion tells

me and so I believe that, I personally don’t think there is anyway

possible that you are reincarnated after death- although my opinion is

bias because I was born a Christian- that it’s possible your soul is

sent into another being. I personally think that you are sent to

heaven, which is similar to the idea of Moksha you do well you have

union with god- a similar idea to the one of being sent to heaven,

except Moksha does not say that much about salvation while Christian

belief does.

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