Hillary Clinton Accomplishments

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This person has served as First Lady of the United States, Secretary of State, Senator from New York, First Lady of Arkansas, a practicing lawyer and law professor, activist, and volunteer. These are just the few accomplishments that the one and only Hillary Clinton has achieved over the years. Hillary Clinton is well-known around the U.S. for her bold and fearless speeches and she’s not afraid to speak her mind. She has inspired many children to be follow their dreams, just like she did when she decided she wanted to run for president. Over the months Clinton decided that first mission would to help kids and teens around the United States of America actually go to college without paying so much, but she has a lot to say about gay rights and …show more content…

She help/supported the Equality Act which protects LGBT (stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) nationwide from discrimination in credit, education, employment, housing, federal financial assistance, jury service and public accommodations according to The Huffington Post (Terkel). She has even criticized the Republicans' rejection of marriage equality. Hillary advanced LGBT rights abroad and enforced stronger anti-discrimination regulations within the State Department. She declared on the global stage that “gay rights are human rights, and human rights are gay rights.” She led the effort to pass the first-ever U.N. Resolution on LGBT Human Rights and launched the Global Equality Fund. She even ended State Department regulations that denied same-sex couples and their families’ equal rights. Eventually she urged the Supreme Court to rule in favor of nationwide marriage equality. As she stated, “We should ban discrimination against LGBT Americans and their families so they can live, learn, marry, and work just like everybody else.” Clinton fought for all our LGBT and was proud to celebrate this historic victory for our …show more content…

People believe that she should support the single payer health because it is one of the best things that could actually happen to this nation. According to The New York Times, she gave an interview talking about the single payer system and this was her reason why she didn’t approve of it, “They don’t really know that Medicare is a single payer system. They don’t really think about that. They think about these foreign countries that they hear all these stories about, whether they’re true or not, which they’re often not. And so talking about single payer really is a conversation ender for most Americans, because then they become very nervous about socialized medicine and all the rest of this. So I never really seriously considered it.” She decided that she was going to support the Obamacare one-hundred percent saying “Part of the challenge is to clear away all the smoke and try to figure out what is working and what isn’t. What do we need to do to try to fix this? Because it would be a great tragedy, in my opinion, to take away what has now been provided.” Clinton fights for what she believes is right for her nation. She just wants everyone to be safe and protect

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