High School Memory Research Paper

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While reading Memory and Being a Successful College student, I have come to realize that our memory has a key role in our learning. Without our memory we would not be able to learn for the reason that when we receive new information there has to be a place to store it this is when our consciousness comes to take care of us. But many people see it as by just listening you will acquire the knowledge, however the mind is more complex than that since our brain gets distracted, and has three types of memory. The first reason was our brain gets distracted by your surrounding this is known as a secondary task, but there is a way to limit your attention so you can focus on what you really need to learn. To do this you need to think of your attention as a pie because we can divide our attention on our primary task while we keep slices of secondary task, and …show more content…

The second reason is to go through three steps one for each part of the three memories we have. The first step is to pay attention to what we learn yet this type of attention is going to be focused on sound since will use our sensory memory. This type of memory stores knowledge from outside the world, however this information is only stored for 2-3 seconds not permanently. The second step is to work your way into your short-term memory but there is a limit on what you can withhold this is only 7 pieces of information but this has a time span of 30 seconds. The last storage system of the brain is our long-term memory this has an infinite amount of information you can remember throughout your life. To get your material to this level you need to have practiced this enough where your able to teach it to someone else if you can do that you now have this in your long-term memory for the rest of your life but to access it you need to be where the information is essential to

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