Graduating from high school is just the first step to a crucial education. College is a whole other battle. High school diplomas don’t really give you the education you need to begin not just a job, but a career. There are many advantages to having a college education, including higher pay, more satisfaction in your job, and much more.
It is proven in studies that people with a college education get paid ATLEAST $20,000 more than people with only a high school diploma. Not just that, but people with degrees tend to have less of a chance of being laid off at their jobs then people who work high school diploma jobs. The national rate of unemployment for people with high school diplomas is 6.3 percent, but the national unemployment rate of people
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with college degrees on their belt is only 3.2 percent. That number is almost HALF of the unemployment rate of people with just high school diplomas. With only a high school diploma, many people fight to have employment benefits.
People who graduate from a college tend to always have employment benefits. These benefits can include things such as travel, retirement investment, health care and many other perks. These benefits come into handy, and offer stability for many families, especially when it comes to healthcare. In many cases, their benefits seem to be worth more than the employee even takes home in pocket.
High school graduates tend to not be able to move up in their work, even after years of working for the same person and putting forth hard effort. It’s hard to face it; with just a high school diploma, many employers will not view you as something very important, or that they have to keep. College graduates find that with their job, people tend to be able to move up in ranks a whole lot easier. This expands the job opportunities for these people, and giving them a chance to make even more than they had been.
A high school diploma vs. College degrees is a battle of the best won by a landslide. It’s been proven time and time again that people with higher education make more money, and happier, and have expanded their opportunities. College education is opening a door to so many possibilities, it’s almost impossible to count. Put more thought into your decision for college, because in the long run, that tuition is just putting a down payment on your
In recent discussions of education, a controversial issue has been whether or not to go to college after high school. On the one hand, some argue that starting your career after high school is the smart thing to do. On the other hand, however, others argue that the smarter decision would be to continue your schooling by going to college to get a degree. In sum, then, the issue is whether or not college is the right decision for you. My own view is that you should go to college because it helps you build character, start a tradition, and gives you experience.
Onink, Troy. “Federal Reserve: Collage Education Worth $830,000 More Than High School Diploma.” Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 5 May 2014. Web. 28 Sept. 2016. The author of this article is supporting the idea that going to college still pays off. Reports show that on average an extra $830,000 is earned for those that choose to get a college degree over those with a high school diploma. Earning a college degree is still paying off, students will still come out ahead in the long run. We do hear of people that skip college and are extremely successful without a degree, but those chances are very slim. Studies show that low wages are associated with people that only obtain a high school education. The value of a college degree is worth way more than
First, college degree graduates have better opportunities in finding a high wage job. “Graduates enjoy increased opportunities for employment at higher rates of pay, providing them with the wherewithal to pay off debt, if they are wise stewards of that debt.” (Smith, 29) People with college degrees have higher chances of being successful in the future because employers would rather employ those who holds a college degree. However, although there are some people who did not attend college find jobs that can help satisfy and support their lives, they cannot compare the earnings of college graduates who holds a degree. My cousin, holding a Bachelor’s degree of Business Management, graduated 5 years ago from College. At first, College education can guarantee the success of her goals, but because of her persistence, she is now a successful businesswoman. She has now a full-time job that can support her family and has already built her own home. With this means, having a college degree helps a person not only achieve their own goals but also being independent. “Realistically, having a college degree will likely mean a com...
One question that comes to mind when graduating high school is, “should I attend college?” For many graduates this question have a very obvious answer. A high school graduate may state that, “college is the best option if one is trying to get a higher level of education, and will help one compete for a higher paying job.” However, in my opinion most graduates do not consider the fact that going to college is a very big decision to make and that the schoolwork will not be easy. Going to college is not the best choice for every high school graduate because many students cannot handle college, colleges’ lower standards, and not all jobs require a college degree.
With a college education, one of the benefits college graduates earn is more money. College graduates have a much higher earning potential than individuals with no college education. A college education could actually earn you a million dollars over your lifetime. In the article it states, “On average, college graduates earn 1.5 time that of adults with high-school diplomas” (Andreas Schleicher). This demonstrates that by earning a college degree, you will earn a lot more money than people who stop their education at high school. As a college graduate, you earn far more over your working lifetime than non-college graduates. The more education you get, the more likely it is for you to always have a job. There are numerous other benefits associated with graduating from college. The benefits of going to college her in the U.S. are valuable than other countries. As a college student, the effects of a college degree will likely affect you and future generations. In the article it states, “While a degree is still a good investment in other countries, nowhere are the benefits quite as good as in the U.S” (Andreas Schleicher). This demonstrates that here in the U.S., there are plenty of benefits of having a college degree. With a college degree, you will have a higher lifetime earnings, you will have
People who have a college degree make more money, in yearly earnings and salaries. IN the article actually college is very much worth it,Andrew J. Rotherham reports that “The median weekly earnings for someone with some college but no degree were $712, compared to $1038 for a college graduate.”(87) An average of $324 more a week and an average of almost $17,000 over a year. Getting a college degree can make a huge difference in potential income. That’s compared to people who have gone to college but didn’t get a college degree, the median salary for people who just have a high school degree is even less.
...ave trouble finding a job because companies aren’t hiring fresh, young graduates who lack work experience. Hence, retrieving a college degree is inessential because of the following reason. First, after graduating there isn’t a guaranteed job. Second, some of the jobs that graduates are employed at don’t even require a college degree to begin with. Further, after graduating with a degree, graduates needs to pay off their debt, therefore they will be at a clear financial disadvantage compared to non-graduates. Finally, going to four year college doesn’t symbolize higher salary because anyone can be just as competitive. All of these factors demonstrate the effectiveness and significance of how work experience matters more than getting a college degree. Just like what Davis mentioned, “in the work fields it’s not about how smart one is, but how well he or she performs.”
Individuals who has a college level education are employed at higher rates and with greater consistency. Those people with less than a high school degree are more than three times as likely to be unemployed compared to a bachelor degree recipients.
Most people who attend high school are faced with a very huge decision.Go immediately to work or go to college?While you can still get jobs with a high school diploma or somthing equal there is always more high paying jobs that are out there that you will actually like instead of just working at a Burger King or McDonalds.There are many choices in different areas of work like Healthcare,Finance,Manufacturing ,Business Services,and Engineering And all you could get with a degree and even some with diploma.
First, getting a high school diploma provides better lifetime opportunities. To begin, college is a huge lifetime opportunity, and in order to attend college, students will need a high school diploma. College can be very difficult, high school prepares the student for the long journey they have ahead of him/her. Graduating from high school also helps the graduate to stay out of trouble because he/she
A high school diploma is important for one’s future. After high school, there are a variety of paths one can take in your life in order to make a decent living just having a high school diploma. One can be a lawyer. One can be a doctor. One join the army. One can be a coast guard. One can join the navy. Including many other jobs, like office work, secretarial work and many hard labor jobs.
A useful advantage from graduating with a degree is that you receive better “health care, retirement investment, and travel perks” according to education College level jobs offer more benefits than a high school level job. “For most people, the ability to earn more money is the driving force behind going to college”. Going to college offers you better career opportunities. The income from having your college
College graduates have more jobs to choose from. The more years of education one has completed, the more opportunities he or she will have as a potential hire. Some employers would not even consider interviewing a job seeker who has no college education, and many employer...
Has your parent or guardian ever told you you need to pass through high school for a bright future? Well there not just saying that to be naggy as it turns out! Despite the relentless homework we go through as students and the tiring school work teachers pile onto us, getting a high school diploma does have its major advantages when it comes to our future. Many times getting a high school diploma could lead to a lot of good benefits that we, without it couldn't possibly have within our grasp. In the beginning may not be able to comprehend at the moments of their highschool life's but any parent could tell them without hesitation that a highschool diploma is a must have when it comes to looking for a high paying job, or just most jobs in general.
I have computer skills, automotive skills, and electrician skills. I also know other skills in which I can utilize for a job, like selling, communication skills, customer relations. Having my high school diploma means that I have more job opportunities and having this step behind me as finished. I look forward to utilizing my high school diploma on my resume', and being able to get a very successful job due to this completion in my life. I do have a lot of options to pick from. I could get a job in a low position, with the advancement to receive company paid schooling and receive a degree free. I could then get a pay raise and an advancement in the company and rise to the top that way. That may take many years and I may be able to get an on-line college course and receive some neccessary degrees in my career choices. Having my high school diploma will give me the ability to acheive these goals.