Heroes: Achilles and Antigone

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Heroes: Achilles and Antigone

Homer and Sophocles are two great classical writers whose stories open windows into the lives of ancient Greek society. Achilles and Antigone are two protagonists that clearly show what Homer and Sophocles considered to be important traits for heroes in their time. Through these authors it is possible to see what values the ancient Greeks held in highest regard. First by comparing and contrasting these two heroes it is possible to see which traits they share, secondly, looking at the both entire work will show what Homer and Sophocles both considered to be important in a hero, and finally, addressing the differences between the two authors will show the importance of other ideals in ancient Greek life.

Sophocles’ Antigone and Homer’s Achilles’ are similar in many ways. The most obvious way that they are similar is that they are both willing to die for what they believe in. Achilles displays this trait when he is told by Thetis, his mother, that he will die soon after killing Hector. Achilles’ anguish from the death of his friend Patoclus is too great for him to be moved by his mother’s words; therefore, he eventually faces off with Hector. Antigone shows this same trait throughout all of the play. From the beginning she knows that Creon has decreed that no one should bury Polynices’ body because he was a traitor. Disobeying Creon’s command will lead to death but Antigone believes it is her duty as Polynices’ sister to allow his soul peace. Antigone’s argument is not limited to her connection with family; she also believes it is required by the gods to perform a burial ritual. This is the second thing that they both share, respect for the gods. Antigone is the clearer example in that she devoutly b...

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... are the strongest.

Now that it is clear what each author held in highest regard it is possible to view the ancient world with more understanding. Homer shows that the ancient Greeks valued honor and skill in everything that a person did. The better a person did something the more excellence they would have. Sadly he also showed that the ancient Greeks were elitist. The great men were important and gained their rank through excellence, while lower men went unnoticed and treated poorly. Both authors show the importance of the gods to the ancient Greeks in everyday life. The gods were not thought of as silent far off beings; instead they were next to you and could have good and bad reactions to deeds of men. Sophocles showed the importance of family and duty. He also shared the belief that something can be more important than devotion to a nation or the laws of man.

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