Hero and Beatrice in Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare

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Hero and Beatrice in Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare

The two characters, Hero and Beatrice, go hand in hand, although each

has many differences. The reason the characters are so different, at

times, is Shakespeare's way of emphasising each character. Hero would

not seem as quiet if Beatrice wasn't so loud, and Beatrice wouldn't

seem so overly confident if Hero didn't act so shy. The two, during

the play fall in love with two very different people. They both have

different views and ideals, especially concerning love and marriage.

They are both very close friends, they share everything together. In

the end they each fall in love, becoming more similar as the play and

their relationships progress.

From Act 1 Scene 1 we are bombarded by Beatrice's wit and her very

loud and abrasive actions. She argues with Benedick, this takes up

most of the act, the two get very carried away, and this shows us her

passionate nature. On the other hand we have Hero who, although being

present in Act 1 Scene 1, says only one thing. This is a perfect

example of her nature; her timid nature

Hero is just a little, spoilt, girl. She has everything done for her

and this is a major reason why she is so quiet, people do anything for

her because she is an ideal girl; this is what so attracts Claudio I

imagine. Beatrice on the other hand is a very mature young woman,

although not quite a woman. In many respects she is much older and

more mature than Hero will ever be, and Beatrice is shunned because of

this difference; this difference being what Benedick ultimately falls

in love with.

A major difference I noticed was between the two actual l...

... middle of paper ...

...lly wives, and at

the end of the play we get the idea that they will forever be friends.

Hero's shy and timid nature has become a little more forward and

confident; she is growing up as the play continues. By the end,

although she has learnt a great deal about the world, she is still

just a spoilt child, who needs not speak or act because those around

will do it for her.

With the help of 'cupid's traps', Beatrice's witty enemy Benedick has

broken her hard and independent shell. She has lost her anger at being

an 'old maid' which made her so fiery and overly witty at the

beginning of the play, it has been replaced by a more 'tamed heart',

but her passion never leaves her. She is, by the end of the play, more

than just the mature young woman she was, I feel she has turned full

circle and become her own ideal woman.

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