Hero Is A Hero: I Changed My Life

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"The real hero is measured not by the size of his strength, but by the size of his heart". When I was a kid a lot of people asked me who my hero was and I often responded with a name of some celebrity who performed a cool stunt or had strength. As time passed by and I started understanding things, I understood hero is not someone who has strength, power, skills. Infact hero is someone who has a bigger heart, someone who has more love to give than strength, or someone who is skilled on thinking for the good of others. A hero can be recognized by the work he has done, by the sacrifices he has made, and how he changed the life of a different person and that is exactly what my dad did, He changed my life. He is My Hero Imagine how hard it must …show more content…

He literally gave up everything and came to a new place and he still managed to be happy and have a little smile on his face. Before we left Nepal, My dad gave our house to his uncle who was less fortunate, he could've given that house to any of his sister who lived in different city and they could've sold it and get the money but instead my dad gave it to him and when I asked him why he chose him instead of his own sister he said, " I also had little when I started, and I always wished that I had some more, and now they need it more than my sister does" and that act was not just in Nepal but it continued here, he is always looking for a way to help less fortunate, he even donates to a charity in Nepal which looks out for orphan children.
In conclusion, a real hero would change someone's life by sacrificing his happiness, making hard decisions and that is what my dad did for me, therefore, he is my real hero and he will always be. I don’t know how successful I will be in my life, or where time will take me but I will never be able to repay what my dad did for me, Thank you dad. If you have the chance to change someone's life, do it. Smile at someone, compliment them, and hold the door for them. Start out by changing someone's day first and without you even knowing you will change someone’s

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