Hero In The Outsiders

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To choose the best hero in S.E. Hinton’s the Outsiders is overwhelming; if you don’t know the correct use of ‘hero’. That is, hero being someone who is caring, not for only being brave (as the generic term for ‘hero’ is used for), but for doing deeds that can range from small to large. Matching all these qualities, Darrel Curtis set aside his football scholarship to take care of his two brothers is a large step for the personal hero. Shortly after, Darry works two jobs to provide for his siblings. Lastly, he shows Soda and Pony how to behave to stay out of trouble. In other words, Darry is the true hero because he declined his scholarship for his brothers, he works to keep his siblings alive, and he keeps Soda and Pony out of trouble for various reasons. One of the …show more content…

Dally took the initiative to help Pony and Johnny out of their trouble and helped them escape. Not only paying for their food, he also gave them a place to hide. After that, Dally picks them up to get something to eat, then going back to the church is burning up in flames as a group of small kids and a few teachers were out for a class picnic. Pony and Johnny rush to the rescue as Dally follows. Afterwards, Johnny is stuck inside and Dallas Pulls him out and an ambulance takes the boys. Though this was very brave, it was a one time situation as to Darrel taking care of both Pony and Soda. If it wasn’t for Darry, him and his brothers would be living on the streets. In the end, Darrel Curtis is the true hero as he gave up his football career for his brothers, works two jobs to keep his siblings and friends alive, and does anything he can to keep them out of trouble. Darry is willing to give up whatever it takes to make sure his brothers are safe, taken care of, and happy for the little time he has left with them as they’re getting older. Recognising the little things people do can add up to something bigger that might be taken for

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