Hero Essay Hemingway Hero

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When you hear the word “hero” you think of somebody that is brave, courageous, and determined. They seem to always support a cause and wanting to make a difference. In the novel, A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway there is one individual who stands out as the “Hemingway Hero.” It is called a Hemingway Hero because of the way Hemingway writes. The characteristics of the “Hemingway Hero” are brave man of action, knowledge, stoical, and a strong survivor. In this book those qualities belong to a man named Frederic Henry. Henry is an ambulance driver for the Italian army during the war. Henry is a man who is very brave and courageous, but just missing a little aspect of life. In the beginning of the novel, Henry meets a young lady named Catherine Barkley. Henry fell in love right away. There was just something about her to him. Throughout the book Henry changes from being guilt-free to achieving the qualities of the “Hemingway Hero.” In the beginning of the novel, Henry possesses none of these qualities and he’s quite disinterested with continuing his life as just the ambulance drive for the army so he goes to the priest for help. The priest tells him that, “I would like you to go to Abruzzi. There is good hunting. You would like the people and though it is cold it is clear and dry."(9) This is the first chance that Frederic gets to finally leave and get his head out of the gutter. But, Henry doesn’t obey what the priest tells him to do and he goes to other cities and hooks up with women and parties and shows no qualities of being a hero. But, this isn’t when he shows how he changes. Once he is done with doing his sluggish actions he visits Abruzzi and sees that it is all the priest says it was, very peaceful and a perfect plac... ... middle of paper ... ...he light it wasn't any good. It was like saying goodbye to a statue. After a while I went out and left the hospital and walked back to the hotel in the rain."(332) This shows that neither Catherine or their baby meant anything to them. By saying the word statue, it shows that it is something that was never truly there which would be their love. He has no use of being heartsick over them because he knows that they are gone and never coming back. Throughout the novel Henry changes into someone that was guilt-free and didn’t care about much to someone that gave it his all and showed how bravery and being courageous can get you through the roughest of times. Many others of the novel could have been picked for being the Hemingway Hero as well, but with everything Henry went through and the characteristics he showed, he possessed the top spot in being a Hemingway Hero.

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