Hercules: Constellation Mythology

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Nixon Marcellon
Constellation Mythology

The constellation of Hercules is the fifth largest of the modern 88 constellation today it borders the constellations of Bootes and Draco. The mythology of Hercules is that he is one of the best well know and recognize heroes in Greek mythology. He is best known as the strongest of all mortals even stronger than of a god. But the story of Hercules is an interesting one he was the last mortal son of Zeus and the only man born of a mortal woman to become a god. When Hercules was born his life was at stake from Hera she plotted to kill the young Hercules at an early stage. Whilst still a baby, Hercules had to contend with the wrath of Hera, Zeus's wife. Angered at her husband's unfaithfulness, she decided that Hercules must be killed. She sent two snakes to murder him as he lay in his crib, but such was Hercules' strength that he was able to strangle them both with his bare …show more content…

This cluster located in Hercules consist of about 300,000 stars. It is more than “22,200 light years away, the brightest star in the cluster is call v11” (Constellation Guide, n.d.). The second objects that I find in the Hercules constellation is called NGC 6166. This object is classified as a supermassive type galaxy it’s an elliptical galaxy with a large number of stars. It is calculated that NGC 6166 consist of approximately 50 million stars, it is located about 490 million light years away, a galaxy that massive has a supermassive black hole at its core. The third objects is called Hercules A, it is an elliptical galaxy with plasma jets spanning over a million lights years around the galaxy. “It has a mass 1,000 times more than the milky way galaxy also at the center of Hercules A is its black hole which is more massive that the black hole at the center of the milky way” (Kerrod,

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