Herb Sorensen's Inside The Mind Of The Shopper

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Sorensen’s “Inside the Mind of the Shopper”

The shopping experience can range from mundane to an exciting or anxiety filled, but one common factor is that we all have had at least one. Herb Sorensen a retail consultant, analysis what factors play in our experience and how shoppers think, whether it is behavior affected by the store environment or by culture.

Sorensen’s observations and analysis reveal patterns in the way shoppers view items in a store, their perceptions of brands and even describe the migration patterns shoppers have within the store. With behavior analysis and psychology, a picture is created in how the shopping experience is not as varied between different people but can be categorized in segments. One behavior that was of great interest in reading the book was “The Corilois Effect” in shopping. Using the concept of Corilois Effect, the effect in which an object on the globe moving on a longitudinal line will deflect to the right in a northern hemisphere, to illustrate and explain how shoppers will naturally migrate inside a …show more content…

An interview with Emil Morales, the Executive Vice President of TNS Multicultural, Sorensen gathered information regarding the changing demographics and how retailer are changing or will need to be changing. As a Hispanic growing up in California I did see the significance that a shift in demographics had in a segment of the markets but was not fully aware of how the large the change was. Behaviors shopping in multiple channels and from small “tienditas” was a common practice that the concept of loyalty to one retailer was not in the forefront or back of my mind as an option. Perhaps this portion of the book stood out to me for it challenged my false-consensus bias, and look at what a retailer would need to look to increase success in the

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