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The psalm of life longfellow
The psalm of life longfellow
The Complete Works Of William W. Longfellow
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“Look not mournfully into the past. It comes not back again. Wisely improve the present. It is thine. Go forth to meet the shadowy future, without fear, and with a manly heart.” This is a saying Longfellow read in Germany where his wife died. The words gave him hope for the future. It inspired him to want to write a series of psalms. The first one, “A Psalm of Life” written by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, is an uplifting poem that compels us to feel hope for the future. After reading it the first time it had a powerful effect on me. Surprisingly, he wrote this poem few months after his first wife died. Longfellow took his wife’s death and interpreted it as a sign to look at life as fleeting and it passes quickly. I feel that Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, after his wife’s death, had an optimistic view on life in the poem, “A Psalm of Life”.
The second stanza seems to say that life is here and it must be lived. It is real and not just some dream. Line five supports this with the hopeful exclamation that “Life is real! Life is earnest!” In the next line he says “And the grave is not its goal”. Longfellow feels you don’t live to die. Death is not the point of living a just life. Lastly in this stanza, he states, ”Dust thou art, o dust returnest, was not spoken of the soul”. Our bodies will turn to dust but the soul will live on. He feel there is an afterlife and we are here forever in spirit. But what we do with our time on earth is what makes us eter...
My initial response to the poem was a deep sense of empathy. This indicated to me the way the man’s body was treated after he had passed. I felt sorry for him as the poet created the strong feeling that he had a lonely life. It told us how his body became a part of the land and how he added something to the land around him after he died.
For example, one line, “Soon our pilgrimage will cease; Soon our happy hearts will quiver, with the melody of peace,” which is saying that one day we will die, and you can’t stop that. “Lay we every burden down; Grace our spirits will deliver, and provide a robe and a crown,” also reveals that you should appreciate what we’ve had, and what was given to us. This song is telling you, in every line, that you can’t live forever, but appreciate what you have, while you
Longfellow. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was a famous transcendentalist. Longfellow frequently traveled between America and Europe as an adult. Before this, he pursued his formal education at Bowdoin University where he became part of the Peucinian Society an elite literary group. Longfellow also taught as a professor at both Bowdoin and Harvard but wrote most of his poetry while traveling through Europe, especially Scandinavia. “A Gleam of Sunshine” compares someone the narrator loves to nature. Longfellow compares many of the characteristics of nature of God’s miracles. He compares the world around him, especially the sunlight, to miracles from God and the feeling of love, both extremely powerful forces in the universe.The “golden sun” is compared to “the celestial ladder seen/By Jacob in his dream”. His love has a dress “like the lilies”. The poem has many religious allusions, following the transcendentalist model that God was in everything. Longfellow too refers to the world as being beyond what the five senses can capture and shows his connection with nature through this
“Feminism”, as defined today, is “1: the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes,” and “2: organized activity on behalf of women’s rights and interests.”2 Many critics claim that feminism has been active longer than the word itself has existed.3 The word, “feminist” was not in true use until the late 1800s and early 1900s, but activism for women’s rights was alive and well a...
This is another real world problem that has been around since the earliest of civilizations and will need more than just school uniforms to change that. “If students are to be prepared for the outside world, they need to be prepared for a world riddled with inequalities, injustices, and inflexible social divisions.”(Wilkins p.5-6) says Julia Wilkins in her article “School Uniforms: The Answer to Violence in American Schools or a Cheap Educational Reform?” which she supports school uniforms, but disagrees with the fact that this will eliminate economic classes between the students. Further explaining, it would be a disservice to students throwing them into a world of differences if they grew up with equality in schools. Even if the schools went through with the idea of this, many problems would arise that they cannot control. As said by Dennis Evans in his article “would uniforms propose to ban high school students from driving cars to school, from wearing jewelry, or from carrying money?” (Evans par.4), which dead on means this is more of a societal problem. Moreover, Dennis Evans explains that the schools then would have to eliminate or make free some of the activities that are held. Not only will the tax payers pay for the school uniforms, but also they will have to pay for the extracurricular activities that schools have such as sporting clubs. To summarize, school uniforms will have little to no effect of changing financial barriers between students and won’t help them in life after school, which also would include what they will get from this
According to Webster’s dictionary, the definition of feminism is the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes. One might think that the stereotypical feminist might be a woman with hairy
The tone in the first stanza is of joyousness and excitement, as people make their way to heaven. Dickinson uses the words “gayer,” “hallelujah,” and “singing” to emphasize the uplifting feeling here. It could be argued that this is the point in the humans’ lives (or deaths, or afterlives, depending on how one looks at it) when they reach the pinnacle of happiness, for they have finally entered heaven. The humans, now dead, would then acquire wings, immortality, and an angelic status that rises far above that of humans. Much like Dickinson’s other poems, this one uses metaphors to represent similar things, such as “home,” which represents “heaven,” “snow,” which represents the “clouds” on which heaven resides, and “vassals,” which represents the “angels” who serve God.
The history of emotions is a recently identified field that analyzes the various emotions of individuals and societies across diverse cultures and time periods. A few theories have been established in this field since 1985, two of them being emotional regimes and emotional communities. In 2001, William Reddy purposed the theory of emotional regimes and in 2002 Barbara Rosenwein purposed the theory of emotional communities. This paper will examine the difference in these two theories; emotional regimes define what is or is not acceptable in a society from the political aspect, while emotional communities define the relationships among individuals of a distinct group as can be proven with the analysis
Many schools in United States require their students to wear uniforms. There are many teachers, parents and students who are in favor of school uniforms. However, not all teachers, parents and students like the idea of school uniforms, and this has divided many schools on the issue. It is obvious that not everyone agrees on the issue of uniforms in public schools, but the benefits of school uniforms cannot be denied. School uniforms cost parents less money, prevent competition between students, and keeps students safe against gang violence on and off campus.
Wordsworth's Poetry A lot of literature has been written about motherhood. Wordsworth is a well known English poet who mentions motherhood and female strength in several of his poems, including the Mad Mother, The Thorn, and The Complaint of a Forsaken Indian Woman. This leads some critics to assume that these poems reflect Wordsworth's view of females. Wordsworth portrays women as dependent on motherhood for happiness, yet he also emphasizes female strength.
According to Webster’s dictionary, the definition of feminism is the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of sexes. One might think that the stereotypical feminist might be a woman with hairy armpits complaining about irrational
To many Americans the idea of school uniforms is like an old-fashioned concept. School uniforms have always been a contentious topic in the United States because of the culture adopted by most Americans. Unless a child attends a private educational institution, wearing specific uniforms is not practiced by children. A common argument today is that whether uniforms should be mandated in public school system. Why do more than half public schools now enforce dress codes (Toppo)? There are many different benefits for having uniforms in schools. Uniforms in public schools decrease economic problems for schools and parents, reduce social barriers between students, encourage discipline, and create a safe environment.
Considering a philosophical approach, this poem has a positive effect on humans to live a better life. It shows how life is serious yet fragile thing and we only get one shot, one wrong move and it's all gone. In life each day is a new day, and each day can be made better than your last. Knowing who you are and where you want to go in life while making your own path for that to happen instead of being 'dumb cattle' is brave. Living your life to the fullest but not leaving anything behind is like not living at all. These three things are Longfellow's key to living and the meaning of life. At the end of it all life is what you make it, live each day as fully as possible because you never know when it could all
or formal dress code stipulating what students can and cannot wear to school, a required school uniform is not as common. Customarily only seen in private and parochial schools, a growing numbers of US public schools are now adopting strict school uniform policies. One in five US public schools required students to wear uniforms during the 2013-2014 school year, up from one in eight in 2003-2004 ("School Uniforms," n.d, p. 1). In today’s world, it is not uncommon to see media stories about crime in schools and our educators are constantly looking for ways to improve safety within this school. Some of these educators feel that school uniforms are one way to protect the safety and welfare of students and school personnel. Many kids find
He is writing the poem as if he were an object of the earth, and what it is like to once live and then die only to be reborn. On the other hand, Wordsworth takes images of meadows, fields, and birds and uses them to show what gives him life. Life being whatever a person needs to move on, and without those objects, they can't have life. Wordsworth does not compare himself to these things like Shelley, but instead uses them as an example of how he feels about the stages of living. Starting from an infant to a young boy into a man, a man who knows death is coming and can do nothing about it because it's part of life.