Hemorrhoids Research Paper

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Throughout the years we heard people complain about piles and the discomfort it cause on one’s life. Hemorrhoids as it is biologically called normally occur in the rectum as a result of the strain that the vein undergo. The two types of hemorrhoids are the internal and external. Research shows that pregnant women are more likely to develop this but does not exclude the fact that males are also affected. This can be treated at home or by a professional and does not considered life threatening.
“It has been predicted that about 75% of persons in North America and also Europe will experience hemorrhoids. About 50% of that amount between the ages of 50 will have to seek treatment; yet only about 7% will not even need treatment”. Nevertheless, hemorrhoids do not affect a specific age neither is it only occur in …show more content…

Nonetheless, if you have them very often you can lose a lot of blood and this will cause you to develop symptoms of weakness and your skin color changes.
Often times we take for granted the fact that our body should be given special care; and although we may not be aware of how some of this occurrence such as hemorrhoids comes about the knowledge that we seek helps us to prevent some of these causes. Internal hemorrhoids are normally found in the lower rectum. The symptoms include the appearance of blood on the feces, on used toilet paper, or on the patient’s underwear. While in the external the symptoms are itchy, swollen, lumps around the anal cavity. “If the lumps become hard the hemorrhoids have become thrombosed external hemorrhoids”.
The cause of hemorrhoid cannot be fully determine, however, experts research and analysis several factors that can be held accountable which includes:- straining during a bowel movement, complications from chronic constipation, sitting on the toilet for a long time, or family history of

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