Rectal Prolapse

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Rectal prolapse is well-defined as the sliding or falling down of the tissue lining the rectum either into the rectal opening or bulging from the anus. The rectum is the distal end of the large colon that joins with the anus. The disorder befalls most often in kids younger than 6 years of age and in old individuals. Contact your healthcare provider if a rectal prolapse occurs. He might recommend some rectal prolapse treatment by herbal medicine or request you be seen in the medical office or emergency department.
Kegel exercises might be beneficial in rectal prolapse, reliant on the severity of the condition and with the reference of your health care provider. When undergoing a medical analysis for the conditions, a manual rectal exam …show more content…

Chronic constipation is more likely to cause rectal prolapse than infrequent, episodic constipation. Spinal cord injury or surgery might precipitate rectal prolapse as can a long-lasting habit of straining to have a bowel movement. Determination of treatment depends in part on the reason of the prolapse. Pelvic muscle workouts would not be useful in prolapse occasioning from perpetual neurological impairment to the involved muscles. Reddish-colored tissue might protrude from the anus, particularly after a bowel movement. Trivial amounts of rectal bleeding might be noted intermittently. Contingent on the severity of the prolapse, fecal incontinence might occur.
Kegel exercises are used to reinforce pelvic floor muscles. Many renowned researchers and experts explain the procedure as squeeze the muscles used to stop urine and avert a bowel movement. Hold for 10 seconds. Release and repeat this action for up to 50 times a day for four to six weeks. It is imperative that you are tightening only the muscles of the pelvic floor, not your backsides or other nearby regions. Also, remember to breathe during the Kegel workouts and avoid holding your

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