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In the beginning of the movie, The Diary of a Mad Black Women, Helen’s physical appearance is presented as how a wealthy person would dress. She dresses very elegant like as if she were a lawyer. She wears suits, dresses, skirts, and tops tailored to fit her slim body. She doesn’t wear tennis shoes or sandals, she wears heels. When Charles kicks her out of their home and as the movie continues, Helen begins to dress more like a middle class person. She wears more of a Sunday’s best attire; more colorful, comfortable and happy. She wears Summer cloths and now her shoes have transformed from heels to sandals. Seeing Helen from the beginning,and the way she dresses, and the house she lived in, you would think she came from a wealthy family and has been raised to dress very elegant like, when in reality it’s the total opposite. Before Charles, Helen was raised in what you call a “ghetto” neighborhood. Her mother is a christian lady but her grandmother would not be scared to run over a human being. They have a two story frame home and associate with many people regardless of who they are and where they come from. You can assume Helen has a high school education seeing that she can read, write and spell. Helen has no work experience because she has been dependant on Charles. Because Charles pampered her with what she wanted, abused her and treated her with disrespect, she has changed her ways. Helen learns to work for what she wants, stand up for herself, keep her guard up even when not needed and not put up with any disrespect. In the beginning of the movie, you can tell just by the way Helen’s facial expressions are presented that she has a soft tone in her voice and a soft heart; very compassionate.. Her vocabulary doesn’t... ... middle of paper ... ...as the strength to tell Charles they will always be friends. She is a better person now and thinks about herself and how she should be happy as well. After making Orlando wait a while, she finally decided she wanted to marry him. She found her happy place and it was with him. She chose to join him on the road to a happily ever after ending. “We may not love easy but when we love, we love hard.” In this movie, Tyler Perry is saying that not all men are alike. Just because one man is rude, selfish, ignorant and unfaithful, doesn't mean all men are like that. Women shouldn’t make men like Orlando pay for what men like Charles did to Helen. He also says that women should have the rights not to be treated the way Helen was. They should stand up for themselves and not put up with any mans nonsense. Women have all rights men do as far as being treated with respect goes.

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