Heinz Case Report

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1) Introduction The H.J. Heinz company is a multinational selling food products globally. In recent years, much positive change has been observed, and the preamble suggests that such changes are largely attributed to the works of William Johnson, the former CEO. The following section would thus examine the managerial functions and roles performed by Johnson. 2) Managerial Functions Fayol identified the classical managerial functions as planning, organizing, commanding, controlling, and coordinating(Carroll and Gillen, 1984), of which the first 4 were identified by Hitt(2012) as being the principal functions(PODC) applicable in contemporary workplaces. As the PODC functions occurs in tandem(Davis, 1967), hence, the actions taken by Johnson in his capacity as the CEO encompasses them all. The following would attempt to examine each function individually, and though they are integrated, they would be linked with the function that is displayed to the greatest extent. Planning refers to the act of forecasting and deciding on actions to pursue(Hitt, 2012). The 3 levels of planning conducted at various managerial levels in the organization are strategic, tactical, and operational planning. Being the former CEO, Johnson was primarily involved in strategic planning. This occurs at the corporate level, and involves planning to meet the organization's long-term goals. Johnson(2011) reminisces about the first long-term emerging market strategy which he developed for the organization. After analyzing environmental factors such as the slow in growth of developed economies and forecasting increasing growth and demand from emerging economies, Johnson and his team planned for a strategy focused on the 4'A's, in order to enter and capture the m... ... middle of paper ... ... Baker, B.A. & Leslie, J.B. (2008): 'Managerial Skills: What has Changed Since the Late 1980s', Leadership and Organizational Development Journal, 29: 167-81 H.J. Heinz. (2007). H.J. Heinz Company Corporate Social Responsibility. H.J. Heinz. Available at: http://www.heinz.com/data/pdf_files/CSR_10_12_07.pdf. Accessed 26 November. 2013]. Smith, R.M. (2010): 'You Have to Take A Risk', Newsweek, 155: 42-42, Available at: http://web.ebscohost.com.eproxy.ucd.ie/ehost/detail?sid=220aab3f-ab3c-4daf-b0b4-d057c1ae6f64%40sessionmgr111&vid=1&hid=127&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=bth&AN=49140703. [Accessed 26 November. 2013]. Spencer, M. (2013). Heinz Under Johnson Not the Same Company. Pittsburg Business Times. Available at: http://www.bizjournals.com/pittsburgh/news/2013/04/11/heinz-under-johnson-not-the-same-company.html?page=all. [Accessed 26 November. 2013].

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