Exploring Hedge Witchery: A Shamanic Path

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Hedge Witchery is the use of baneful herbs that help create changed consciousness. If you have ever heard of the witches flying on their broomsticks well this is a type of state of consciousness that they are talking bout when the witches leave their bodies and go to the spirit world or other realms. When a Hedge witch crosses the Hedge or also known a the veil they are crossing to another world. They do this so that they can talk to the spirits sometime to get guidence form their loved ones. Hedgewitchery a kind of shamanic path they work with herbs and plants they listen to nature and go to the spiritworld. A hedge witch goes by many other names such as There are many different titles that those who follow this inner tradition are called: Hedge-Rider, Hedgewitch, Night Travellers, Myrk-Riders, Gandreidh, and Walkers on …show more content…

In the case of a Hedge witch the should have a good understanding of plants and herbalism and may be like the green witch and grow their own. Although they maybe alike the Hedge witch wants a relationship with spirit of the plants. A Hedge Witch is a solitary practitioner and does not belong to a coven. Most of the time it is handed down from another person maybe in her family she learns through research and workings. what makes them hedgewitches is that they know herbal remedies and have well spiritual solitary practices. The word hedge witch comes from when the villiages were inbetween the forests. In the villages there were herbal practitioners that lived on the edge of the forest and the people would go there when there was no doctor. But as of today a hedge witch can live anywhere but they still love nature. A hedge witch is taught to learn from nature something like listening to the winds or watching cloud formations, herbal gardens. A Hedge witch will celebrate the sabbats from the seasons and not the

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