1. Healthcare professionals often work rotating shifts. In your own words, why is this problematic? What are the psychological, social, and physiological challenges related to rotating shifts? Consider sleep deprivation, high levels of stress, or side effects from medication in your response. --Answer below: This hits close to home as my brother who I live with, works the night shift in an emergency room. I have noticed that the rotating shifts (he moves to a normal sleep schedule after he works for 3-4 days) do have a small effect on him. While it isn't a huge permanent deal, it does usually take him about a day to get used to his new schedule. During that day that it takes him to get accustomed to the new schedule he is extremely tired, …show more content…
The first one, Sensory Memory, is precisely what it sounds like when you break the word down. It is memory that is involved with our senses such as sight, hearing and smelling. Most of these memories are not important to use, and therefore our brains discard much of it. The second, Short-Term Memory, can be described as the temporary storage. I think of this as what we remember at our "first glance" from the information. In order to move information from short term to long term, our module states that we must use rehearsal(constant repetition of information). Long-Term Memory is essentially the final resting spot for information we have absorbed. The most amazing part about this memory is that it is unending. You can literally never run out of space in Long-Term Memory. The study technique I would use is the "Apply Self-Reference effect". I have been doing this for years without even knowing its name. But I feel as though I personally remember things best when I try to think of ways I can apply what I have learned in real life. I am not sure if there is any connection between this technique and one of the types of memories but if I had to make a guess I would say it is connected to the Short-Term Memory, because it is a form of repetition. 3. Select one of the drugs discussed in your lesson. In your own words, discuss the controversial issues related to the drug and why these discussions are important in the field of psychology. Be sure to support your
...Baddeley (1966) study of encoding in the short term memory and long term memory supports the MSM model on the mode of processing such that words are processed on recall and both models share the same opinion that processing does influence recall. Finally, the MSM model of memory states that all information is stored in the long term memory, however, this interpretation contrasts with that of Baddeley (1974) who argue that we store different types of memories and it is unlikely that they occur only in the LTM store. Additionally, other theories have recognised different types of memories that we experience, therefore it is debatable that all these different memories occur only in the long-term memory as presumed by the multi-store model which states the long term memory store as with unlimited capacity, in addition it also fails to explain how we recall information.
In 2011 The Joint Commission called attention to healthcare worker fatigue and the impact it was having on patient safety. They found a direct link between healthcare worker fatigue and adverse events. They recommended healthcare facilities assessed their policies to identify fatigue-related risks, such as off-shift hours and consecutive shift work, and review their staffing to address areas that may be contributing to nurse fatigue (Martin, 2015).
Nurses who worked for a longer time and for 12 hour shifts do find it effective as well as a better balance with work, family, and patients. In the article, “12-Hour Shifts”, Hallie Shafer, an RN and BSN who worked for more than 8 years and around 12 hour shifts, explains, “I think that it’s great for both work and you’re outside life.” She also tells, “At work, you can have the continuity of care with the patients. You’re with them for a full 12 hours.” Shafer will also schedule her 12-hour shifts for three days at the beginning of a week and at the end of the following week. This way she can get back to seeing her family and friends.
The data collected was the duration of scheduled and actual work hours per shift which was calculated and aggregated per nurse and per week. A shift a RN worked was classified as an overtime shift if the actual working hours were longer than the scheduled hours. We also analyzed the associations between errors (or near errors), work hours, and overtime. Regression models were performed to assess if working more than twelve hour shifts would increase the probability of making one or more errors (or near errors) in a week long period.
A considerable amount of literature has been published on the impact of working hours (8 vs. 12 hour shifts) on fatigue among the nurses. These studies revealed that twelve-hour shifts increase the risk of fatigue, reduce the level of alertness and performance, and therefore reduce the safety aspect compared to eight-hour shifts (Mitchell and Williamson, 1997; Dorrian et al., 2006; Dembe et al., 2009; Tasto et al., 1978). Mills et al. (1982) found that the risk of fatigues and performance errors are associated with the 12-hour shifts. Beside this, Jostone et al. (2002) revealed that nurses who are working for long hours are providing hasty performance with increased possibility of errors.
Harrington, J. M. (2001). Health Effects of Shift Work and Extended Hours of Work. OEM Education. Retrieved on December 3, 2013, from http://oem.bmj.com/content/58/1/68.full. doi: 10.1136.oem.58.1.68
Witkoski Stimpfel, Amy , Douglas M. Sloane, and Linda H. Aiken. "The Loger the shifts for hosital nurses, the higher the levels of burnout and patient disstisfaction." Health Affairs 31.11 (2012): 2501-2509. Proquest. Web. 11 Mar. 2014.
Memory is an important and active system that receives information. Memory is made up of three different stages sensory memory, short term memory, and long term memory. According to the power point presentation, sensory memory refers to short storage of memory that allows an individual to process information as it occurs. Short term memory refers to memory that is only available for a limited time. It is information that is held for seconds or sometimes even minutes. Long term memory refers to memory that is stored for a long period of time and it has an unlimited capacity with the ability to hold as much information as possible. Retrieval is key and it allows individuals to have memories. Episodic memory refers to memory for events that we
Memory is a group of related mental processes that are involved in acquiring, storing, and retrieving information (Hockenberry and Hocenberry page 232). I will be addressing two specific types of memory: short-term memory and long-term memory. Short-term memory holds temporary information transferred from sensory memory or long-term memory. Sensory memory is the first stage of memory and obtains information for a brief amount of time. Short-term memory is also called active memory and is stored in the prefrontal cortex which is the most active part of the brain during an activity. Short-term memory can hold information for roughly twenty seconds, but sensory memory holds information for a shorter amount of time. We usually store things such
Notably, having higher proportions of nurses working shorter shifts—8–9 hours or 10–11 hours—resulted in decreases in patient dissatisfaction” (Stimpfel et al.). This is essentially saying that the longer the shift length, the more negative outcomes result. This study proves that eight to nine-hour shifts are more effective, and should, in turn, be worked more than longer shifts. This is a problem because hospitals are likely to continue to schedule nurses for twelve hours shifts out of
The complex system of health care are always changing to find a better way of serving and providing the best practice, safe, quality, cost-effective patient care (Mitchell, 2013, p. 32). A good communication is essential for the patient safety and decrease errors caused by miscommunication (Sitki, Weitzel, & Glisson, 2013, p. 25). And to improve the communication between nurses or caregivers and with the patient, a plan of changing the way that the nursing staff performs shift-to-shift reporting will be implemented. But the implementation of change can be challenging and choosing the right approach is vital for the success of the bedside shift reporting planned change
Evans, D., Grunawait, J., McClish, D., Wood, W., & Friese, C. R. (2012). Bedside Shift-to-Shift Nursing Report: Implementation and Outcomes. MEDSURG Nursing, 21(5), 281-292 12p.
The five types are Memory is classified by a few different characteristics. Declarative Memory is the memory of dates, historical facts, and telephone numbers (Silvia Cardoso). It is easier to build up Declarative Memory but can be easily forgotten as well. Procedural Memory is the memory/ability to drive a car, to play sports and tie shoes. This type of memory involves repetitive practices. The other of types of memory is Elaboration, Self Referent and Visual Imagery. Elaboration is known as memory associating with other information. Self Referent Memory is how it is made personally relevant. Then, there is Visual Imagery, which can be used in a few ways, one of which can be used to add richness to the material to be remembered.
Learning to tie shoes and ride a bike requires the encoding, storing, and retrieving of past observations of the procedure. With a lot of practice, children master these skills so well that they are able to remember them the rest of their lives. Memory is the storing of information over time. It is one of the most important concepts in learning; if things are not remembered, no learning can take place. As a process, memory refers to the "dynamic mechanism associated with the retention and retrieval of information about past experiences" (Sternberg 260). We use our memory about the past to help us understand the present. The study or memory in psychology is used in different ways, as well as there are many different ways to study how memory works in humans. In psychology there are many tasks used to measure memory, and different types of memory storages that human's use, such as sensory storing, or short term storing. There are also a lot of techniques that humans use to improve their memory, which they can use to learn, such as mnemonic devices. All these things can be classified as important issues in the study of human memory and ways of learning.
It is very important to understand sleep to then understand the effects of shift work and to understand how to increase safety. There is very little knowledge about why we need a normal sleep cycle that include sleeping at night, but even less is known about the sleep cycles of those who try to sleep during the day and go to work during the long night. All the studies are not clear about what is the correct amount of sleep is actually required for a healthy lifestyle. As you look there the research there are result that show long natural sleepers and short sleepers have increase in mortality stats.