Health and Safety in a Computer Room

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Health and safety in a computer room is very important as the misuse

of the computer room may lead to certain problems both physically and

mentally. Using a computer for a long period of time can affect your

health in different ways.

The following report will contain details about the health and safety

risks in using the computer and how to combat them, and a study of the

Laws & Guidelines

Health and Safety risks and ways to combat them

1. RSI- RSI stands for repetitive stain injury. Doing the same thing

for a long time can cause this.

2. Eyestrain- this is when you look at a VDU screen for a long time.

Particularly at looking at a flickering screen or in bad light of


3. Stress- this occurs when you are too concentrated on something.

It is the feeling of anxiety fear, anger, frustration and


4. ELF radiation- Elf stands for extremely low frequency.

Electro-magnetic fields cause this. VDU screens give out radiation

at the back and sides. Pregnant women are at most at risk.

5. Lose wires- are a hazard as anyone may trip over the wires and

fall over

Ways to combat the mentioned problems

1. RSI- The risk of RSI can be minimised if a computer user is able

to sit in a comfortable, upright position when working. To be able

to do this they need adjustable chairs and tables, wrist pads, and


2. Eye strain- One way to avoid eyestrain is to look out of a window

at a distant object every once in a while.

3. Stress- Do stress relieving exercises.


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