Health Disparities Between Indigenous Populations

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Irrespective of the many indicators used, indigenous communities around the globe tend to bear disproportionate burden of illness, an issue linked to economic and social conditions that stem from a history of oppression and marginalization. Despite altruistic government approach to rectify the health disparities amongst indigenous populations, health between indigenous populations and the overall health of non-indigenous populations is significantly overwhelming. The state of health provided to indigenous communities throughout the world is frequently ignored and under-research topic. Majority of the indigenous communities often tend to be isolated in remote rural locations which have inadequate access to specialized health care, ambulatory …show more content…

Social-economic status also determines individual’s ability to access and attain adequate medical services. Within the United States and many parts of North America health care is a tiered system based on insurance coverage illustrating that health care is significantly affected by social-economic status (…) Canadian public health care systems operate on the principal that regardless of income all citizens should have equal access to health care. However, various studies have illustrated that Canadians with lower-incomes, particularly the indigenous populations display lower rates of health care access and utilization (..). For example, a study conducted compared the adequacy of parental care provided to indigenous and non-indigenous women in Winnipeg and Manitoba revealed that substantial sum of indigenous woman received inadequate parental care. The significant predicators of insufficient care for this experiment was social-economic status, high levels of stress, low self-esteem and indigenous decent. Furthermore, another study conducted northern Ontario on rural residents also confirmed that indigenous populations tend to display higher rates of ambulatory care and lesser rates of referral to other specialists compared with non-indigenous rural …show more content…

There is a lack of study focusing on the effects of racism on health care utilization particularly amongst indigenous populations. Within the United States, much of the study on racism and health care observes this phenomenon and effect upon African American, and Hispanic populations. Yet, American indigenous populations have distinctive circumstances that differ from other minority populations. Additional research needs to detect racial discrimination that is entrenched within the health care system and to promote effective, empirically validated interventions to eliminate prejudice treatment amongst health care professionals. Further analyses should also investigate effective interventions that address the distinctive health disparities of indigenous populations, considering the rural isolations and lack of resources that are accessible on reserves. In addition to location, interventions for indigenous populations should reflect cultural beliefs and how traditional Native medicine can work in harmony alongside Western medical

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