Health Care Barriers

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Transportation barrier to access health care services in rural population Transportation is one of critical social determinants of health and the availability of convenient transportation impacts individuals’ ability to access quality healthcare (Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 2011). One of the major challenges that rural Canadians face is the lack or limited of public transportation which results in delaying access to health-care services (Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 2011). Canadians who reside in rural communities or small towns generally have to travel long distance to get the health care they need. Transportation is a significant issue for access to health care services, particularly in rural and remote areas where …show more content…

Distance and available transportation go hand in hand when it comes to preventing the rural population from receiving the healthcare that they need especially for those who are vulnerable such as children, elderly, individuals with disabilities or special need, and low income individuals and family (Rural Assistance Center, 2015). People who live in rural areas have have limited access to transportation, making routine trips to attend medical visits in the nearest city can be very challenging in terms of financial burden and time (Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 2011). Mattson (2010) stated that “those who ride with a family member or friend were more likely to report difficulties with out-of-town trips, and those who ride with volunteer drivers were more likely to report difficulties for both out-of-town and in-town trips” (p. 26). People who need to rely on others for a ride are more likely to find it difficult to obtain transportation which will result in increasing risk for developing other health challenges. The research has shown that for those people who live in rural areas where do not have access to public transportation but relying on family members to attend medical visits would cause productivity lost and health problems for their loved ones (Classen, Eby, Molnar, Dobbs, & Winter, 2011). The study reported that the make-up transportation would …show more content…

Equal access to health services is a social justice issue and strategies to address access issues in rural communities should be an essential component of a healthcare system that strives for equality and universality (Health Research Unit Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University, 2013). As nurses, they should advocate for rural population and have their voices heard. In the meantime, nurses should actively engage in policy making to influence policy makers so transportation issues in rural areas can be shed light on and solved sooner. Nurses also can advocate for the modern technologies utilization such as taking advantage of telehealth to decrease the travel required for local patients to access specialty care. The telehealth service is not only expected to reduce the need for people to travel for a day or more in order to spend less than an hour with a specialist, but it also can reduce the cost associated with traveling. Nurses can also advocate for rural areas to attract more doctors and healthcare professionals to stay or have regular visits to improve the health of local

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