Harvey Weinstein: The Rise Of Sex Addiction

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Imagine going to rehab for a condition that doesn’t exist. It does far more harm than good, not for you, but for society.

Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein is in rehab for “sex addiction” after dozens of women have come forward alleging sexual harassment and assault. The rise of the “sex addict” in popular culture started in the 90s with the first publicized cases seen among rich and famous men.

Weinstein follows the lead of Charlie Sheen, Tiger Woods and other male celebrities who paid for expensive therapy after their bad behavior was exposed.

However, there is no such thing as sex addiction.

Mental health medical professionals have two bibles (the DSM and ICD), but neither of them lists sex addiction as a disease. While it’s still being researched as a possible form of mental distress, it is not accepted by …show more content…

Studies show that the brains of supposed sex addicts do not react to sexual stimuli the same way as other addicts’ brains react to their demons.

“Sex addiction” doesn’t have the characteristics of other addictions. When an addict quits alcohol or heroin, they experience withdrawal symptoms like sweating, muscle spasms, vomiting and even death. However, abstaining from sex doesn’t come with these withdrawal symptoms. Also, “sex addicts” don’t need larger doses over time like actual addicts do.

Calling it sex is harmful.

What Weinstein allegedly did was not sex. Without consent, sex is rape, caressing is assault, and sexual attention is harassment. Calling it sex denies that women have autonomy over their bodies.

If the allegations against Weinstein are true, the lack of consent makes him a sex offender and predator.

Calling it an addiction is harmful.

Consensual sex is a normal human behavior. Calling people who engage in a lot of sex “addicts” perpetuates slut-shaming. It’s based on society’s subconscious moral value that sex is dangerous, and enjoying it too much creates an imbalance in a person’s

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