Harry Potter Research Paper

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Literature has made a major impact on popular culture and has evolved throughout history and can be dated back to ancient written works around six thousand years ago. More recently, literature has effected society as a whole by the accessibility of it on an international level. In addition to that, literature is influenced by the advancements in technology and will continue to in the future. This paper will be demonstrating how the Harry Potter books series explores the four distinctive characteristics of popular culture.
The popular culture of Harry Potter definitely has commercial products that can be associated with it. Due to the booming popularity of this franchise that exists worldwide, businesses have created commercial products that are available anywhere due to the introduction of ecommerce. This allows transactions to be conducted electronically via the internet. In addition to that, three amusement parks have been built …show more content…

Rowling, initially wrote the first few chapters of this franchise on scrap pieces of paper and now it has boomed into a multimillion dollar book series. The fact that these books are able to be recognised globally suggests the impact that society has on literature. For example, the Harry Potter book series has been translated into seventy eight different languages from just originally only being available in English . This supports the fact this popular culture went through the process of globalisation.
Furthermore the accessibility of Harry Potter has changed over the past three decades with the introduction of the internet, e-books and audio books. For instance, this book series is available globally and this is due to the popularity and advertisement of it through communicative technologies such as the internet, which leads to ecommerce. Therefore it is clear to see that this popular culture is effected by not only the media but other technologies and has a very wide access on a global

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